Inviting to Take Care of the Belimbing Turtle, Himiteka IX Expedition Conducts Socialisation in These 3 Elementary Schools in Pulau Buru

Inviting to Take Care of the Belimbing Turtle, Himiteka IX Expedition Conducts Socialisation in These 3 Elementary Schools in Pulau Buru

Ajak Jaga Penyu Belimbing, Ekspedisi Himiteka IX Lakukan Sosialisasi di 3 SD Pulau Buru Ini
Student Insight EN

As an effort to preserve the turtle, the Expedition of the Marine Science and Technology Student Association (Himiteka) of IPB University held the Socialisation of Turtles and Garbage of the Himiteka IX Expedition. The activity is aimed at students in three elementary schools in Fena Leisela District, Buru Regency, Maluku (10-11/10).

The turtle, the largest species of turtle that is included in the vulnerable status (vulnerable) in the IUCN Red List, is the main focus in this activity. This socialisation aims to further introduce the turtle and the danger of waste that can threaten the turtle.

The three schools are SD Alhilaal Wamlana, SD Negeri 2 Fena Leisela, and SD YPPK Waenibe. This activity involved a total of 80 students from the three schools consisting of 4th and 5th grade students.

“His children are very active and want to learn. They are also quick to capture the material. Exciting (teaching him), his children are funny,” said Gabrielle Angelina Salisha Gerungan.

One of the members of the Himiteka IX Expedition team revealed, “Hopefully with this socialisation they are more aware of garbage and can also participate in taking care of the turtle.”

This socialisation peels the belimbing turtle which is known by the Buru community as ‘teteruga salawaku’. This turtle often spawns along the beaches of Wamlana, Waspait, and Waenibe in Fena Leisela District.

Not only providing materials, the socialisation also invites students to channel creativity by colouring and making posters related to turtles and garbage. Each school is also given a Turtle and Garbage Socialisation Module. Especially for Alhilaal Wamlana Elementary School, after the socialisation, a coastal clean up was also carried out with the students.

The Chairman of Alhilaal Wamlana Elementary School, Hawa Hentihu SPd, revealed that the socialisation was very beneficial for his students. “This socialisation is very beneficial for children. Making awareness early to throw garbage in its place and giving knowledge to children that the existence of turtles is very useful for the environment and the sea,” he said.

The Socialisation of Turtles and Garbage of the Himiteka IX Expedition is one of the series of activities of the Himiteka IX Expedition which was carried out on Buru Island on September 21 to October 18, 2024.

With the theme ‘Quick Assessment of the Distribution of Sea Turtles and Analysis of Conservation Opportunities Based on Village Communities in Supporting Measured Fishing (PIT) on Buru Island’, this expedition focusses on data collection activities regarding sea turtles which are integrated with the application of science in the Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science IPB University. (IAAS/TIA)