IAAS LC IPB University Holds YACT Workshop, Turning Plastic Waste Into Economically Valuable Crafts

IAAS LC IPB University Holds YACT Workshop, Turning Plastic Waste Into Economically Valuable Crafts

IAAS LC IPB University Adakan Workshop YACT, Ubah Sampah Plastik Jadi Kerajinan Bernilai Ekonomi

The problem of plastic waste is getting more urgent in this modern era. The high consumption of disposable plastic products has resulted in serious environmental pollution. The role of the community, especially the youth of productive age, is very crucial in overcoming the problem of plastic waste.

In response, the International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related Science (IAAS) Local Committee (LC) IPB University held a program in the form of a seminar and workshop entitled Youth Agricareture (YACT).

This year, YACT raised the theme ‘Eco-Craft: From Trash to Art for Greener Future’ which aims to turn waste into works of art through recycling, creating environmental awareness, while inspiring creativity in the utilisation of used goods.

This year’s YACT program is in collaboration with Pycle.in, a group of young entrepreneurs in the field of waste management and Fadilah Nugroho, an IPB University student who is also an environmental activist as a resource person. Not only that, YACT opens opportunities for students outside of the members of IAAS LC IPB University to participate as volunteers who want to learn as well as share their knowledge about plastic waste problems.

Representative of IAAS LC IPB University, Ghinaa Nasuha, explained that YACT has two subprograms, namely YACT Goes to School (YGTS) and YACT Goes to Village Concept Program (YGTV). YGTS was held at SMAN 1 Dramaga and was attended by 40 students from the Adolescent Scientific Work extracurricular (KIR). YGTS was opened with an introduction material for various kinds of plastic waste presented by a source from Pycle.in. The material is further developed in the focus group discussion (FGD).

“In this activity, the participants conveyed creative innovations as a solution to the plastic waste problem which was further given input by the speakers. The series of YGTS events closed with the implementation of one of the ideas for plastic waste management that was expressed in the workshop activity, which is to create a multi-purpose pencil case from packaged waste,” she explained.

As for YGTV, it was held in Tapos I Village, Bogor Regency, West Java and was attended by 25 young people from Karang Taruna. Just like YGTS, YGTV was opened with the delivery of material about the problem of plastic waste and solutions to increase the economic value of plastic waste. The material was presented by Fadilah Nugroho as a speaker.

The quiz is also held to test the participants’ understanding of the material that has been given. After that, the event was closed with a workshop on making crafts from plastic packaging which could later be used as one of the business opportunities.

“This YACT program is expected to have a positive impact on increasing public awareness, especially the younger generation, of the importance of plastic waste management,” he said.

In addition, he continued, this program is expected to encourage the creation of new innovations in waste management that are not only environmentally friendly, but also have high economic value, so that it becomes a sustainable solution in facing the problem of plastic waste in the future. (*/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)