Himiteka IX IPB University Expedition: Uncovering Rare Species of Turtle in Buru Island

Himiteka IX IPB University Expedition: Uncovering Rare Species of Turtle in Buru Island

Ekspedisi Himiteka IX IPB University Mengungkap Spesies Langka Penyu di Pulau Buru
Student Insight EN

IPB University’s Marine Science and Technology Student Association (Himiteka) who joined the IX Expedition team carried out scientific exploration on Buru Island, Maluku on September 21-October 18, 2024. With the theme ‘Rapid Assessment of Leatherback Turtle Distribution and Analysis of Village Community-Based Conservation Opportunities in Support of Measured Fishing (PIT) on Buru Island’, Expedition IX focused on collecting data on turtles and their nesting habitat.

“This expedition is a form of Himiteka’s contribution to sea turtle conservation and the development of science and technology in the field of scientific exploration of coastal and small islands,” said Ahmad Faisal, Vice Chairman of Himiteka Expedition IX, revealing the background of this ninth expedition.

Buru Island itself was chosen because it is one of the leatherback turtle nesting sites that has not been declared a conservation area. “The Himiteka IX expedition contributed to the declaration of the Buru Island conservation area by collecting data and mapping the area, especially sea turtles which are endangered, threatened, and protected (ETP) species,” Faisal added.

The Expedition IX team’s data collection area covers Buru Regency and South Buru Regency. During the 27 days, the team collected social and economic data, coastal geomorphology, sand temperature, wave height, and coastal vegetation. In addition, Expedition IX also conducted socialization in three elementary schools, coastal clean up, and installation of information boards and Mobile Tide and Water Level Instrument (Motiwali).

Based on the data collected, there are four sea turtles that live on Buru Island: leatherback, green, hawksbill and Olive Ridley turtles. However, some people, especially in South Buru district, still consume sea turtle eggs, meat, and use sea turtle shells as bracelets. The people of Buru Regency have received socialization by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) regarding the prohibition of sea turtle consumption.

Himiteka IX Expedition Supervisor, Muhammad Iqbal, SPi, MSi revealed that Expedition IX was a new opportunity for students of the Department of Marine Science and Technology of IPB University. “A new opportunity for Himiteka students in a major activity with the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-6 Hopefully this activity will open up new opportunities for Himiteka students to explore the Indonesian sea,” he said.

The Himiteka expedition itself was first held in 2014 in Banten Bay. The expedition then continues every year and has explored the waters of Kiluan Bay (Lampung), Thousand Islands (DKI Jakarta), Tunda Island (Banten), and West Bali National Park (Bali). Now, in 2024, the Himiteka Expedition is being implemented in Buru Island as a grant from Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) Indonesia, WWF, GEF Agency, and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. (IAAS/RUM)