Himagreto IPB University Together Fighting Stunting Through Balanced Nutrition and Health Checks

Himagreto IPB University Together Fighting Stunting Through Balanced Nutrition and Health Checks

Himagreto IPB University Bersama Lawan Stunting Melalui Gizi Seimbang dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
Student Insight EN

In a real effort to fight stunting, Cibunian Village collaborates with the Ormawa Capacity Strengthening Program (PPKO) team of the Geophysics and Meteorology Student Association (Himagreto) IPB University as well as several partners, such as Dedikasi Kita, Belajar Sehat, and other communities. 

In the program, the PPKO Himagreto team held a seminar and free health checks, last weekend. The event, which took place at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Bayan Mandiri Cibunian Village, attracted the attention of dozens of Cibunian villagers who enthusiastically participated in a series of activities. 

The seminar raised the important topic of stunting, a condition of stunted child growth due to prolonged malnutrition. The participants were given an in-depth understanding of the importance of balanced nutrition from pregnancy to the child’s growth period. 

“We want people to understand that stunting prevention must start early, because the impact can continue until adulthood,” said Hafika Yunisari Pradina, SGz, RD, a nutritionist who was a guest speaker at the event.

In addition to the seminar, the free health check-up provided also received a warm welcome from the residents. The check-up included checking blood pressure, blood sugar, nutritional status, and other general check-ups. It aims to detect early health problems that may occur in residents, especially children and pregnant women.

“This health check is very helpful for us to know our health condition,” said Titin, a resident of Cibunian Village. She felt greatly helped by this event, as it is often difficult for people to access health services on a regular basis.

During the seminar, residents also received information on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, as well as regular monitoring of children’s growth and development. Hafika also provided practical tips on choosing nutritious and easily accessible food ingredients in the neighbourhood. 

“We can utilize local agricultural products that are rich in nutrients to meet children’s nutritional needs, such as green vegetables, fish, and nuts,” she added. 

Yudi, one of the Cibunian Village representatives stated, “This activity is very useful for us and can help us in overcoming the problem of stunting for child growth.”

Through this collaborative activity, it is hoped that the Cibunian Village community will be more aware of the importance of maintaining family health and can better anticipate the problem of stunting. With this activity, the community can improve the quality of nutrition and implement a healthy lifestyle. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SNI)