Business Units Owned by Indonesia-Malaysia Universities Enhance Business Cooperation

Business Units Owned by Indonesia-Malaysia Universities Enhance Business Cooperation

Unit Bisnis Milik Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia-Malaysia Tingkatkan Kerja Sama Bisnis

PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST), the holding company of IPB University, will host the Indonesia-Malaysia State University Companies Benchmarking and Networking Business Forum on October 31 to November 1, 2024. The event will be attended by 14 companies belonging to Indonesian State Universities (PTNBH) and 20 member companies of Majlis Syarikat-Syarikat Induk IPTA Malaysia (MSIM).

With the theme ‘Advancing Business Cooperation for Global Impact’, the forum aimed to strengthen business relations between companies owned by universities from both countries. This activity is expected to be a concrete step in encouraging strategic collaboration to face challenges and opportunities in the global market.

The main agenda of the forum is presentations and business discussions by forum participants, as well as visits to business units owned by IPB University and IPB University’s Science and Technology Park (STP). The participants will also be invited to enjoy a tour of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, one of the tourism icons of Bogor City which is rich in biodiversity.

The forum will be officially opened by the Rector of IPB University and Officials of the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Both are expected to provide important direction regarding the vision of education and business cooperation at the regional and global levels.

Director of PT BLST, Dr Naufal Mahfudz, said that companies owned by universities have a strategic role in downstreaming superior university innovations that can answer the needs of the global community.

“As the host, PT BLST and IPB University welcome this opportunity to strengthen our position as the leading center of innovation and research in Southeast Asia. This forum is expected to be a catalyst for the birth of business initiatives that have a positive impact not only for both countries, but also at the global level,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)