Strengthening Farmers’ Capacity, SV IPB University Lecturers Hold Training on Vegetable Pesticides and Farm Business Analysis

In an effort to strengthen the capacity of local farmers and promote sustainable agricultural practices, IPB University Vocational School lecturers from the Production Technology and Development of Agricultural Communities(PPP) Study Program recently organised an extension and material provision event aimed at members of the Ciharashas Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Mulyaharja Village, Bogor City, West Java (7/9).
This activity was a follow-up to the previous focus group discussion (FGD) held to explore the problems as well as develop an activity plan for the problems faced by the community. The event, which took place at KWT Ciharashas, carried two main topics: making and using vegetable pesticides made from papaya leaves and analysing agricultural businesses.
The activity began with remarks from the Chief of Prodi PPP IPB University, Muhammad Iqbal Nurulhaq, SP, MSi and the Chairperson of KWT Ciharashas, Umiyati. Furthermore, IPB University lecturers presented about vegetable pesticides made from papaya leaves, an environmentally friendly solution that can replace the use of chemical pesticides which often have a negative impact on human health and the environment.
Agief Julio Pratama SP, MSi as a lecturer of PPP IPB University explained the process of making vegetable pesticides in detail, starting from the technique of collecting quality papaya leaves to the extraction and application of pesticides. The material presented included the benefits of using vegetable pesticides, such as their effectiveness in controlling pests and plant diseases (HPT), as well as their ability to maintain the balance of the agricultural ecosystem.
In the next session, material on business analysis was delivered with the aim of providing practical insights to KWT members regarding the planning and management of their agricultural businesses. Galih Surya Aditama, a student of IPB University’s PPP study programme, explained various business analysis methods that can be used to evaluate and optimise agricultural yields. This material includes techniques for calculating costs, revenues, profits and business feasibility analysis.
The event was attended by IPB University Vocational School lecturers Tri Budiarto SKPm, MSi as the person in charge of the PPP Study Program, Dr Edi Wiraguna, Ririh Sekar Mardisiwi, MSi, and Faiz as the Agricultural Extension Officer of Mulyaharja Village.Â
More than 10 members of KWT Ciharashas were enthusiastic and actively participated in each session. Participants were given the opportunity to discuss directly with IPB University lecturers, ask questions, and share their experiences regarding agricultural practices that have been implemented.
“Through this counselling, it is hoped that the members of KWT Ciharashas can utilise their new knowledge to apply more environmentally friendly and efficient farming techniques in their daily business. This is part of our commitment to empower local farmers and promote sustainable and environmentally-friendly agriculture in their community,” said Tri Budiarto.
Umiyati as the Chairperson of KWT Ciharashas expressed her gratitude to the lecturers of PPP Study Programme of IPB University Vocational School for the knowledge that has been given. “We would like to thank IPB University Vocational School and PPP Study Programme for providing knowledge to us, of course this knowledge is very useful for us KWT Ciharashas. Hopefully in the future we can develop and apply the knowledge in gardening activities,” she said.Â
The same thing was conveyed by Faiz. The Mulyaharja Village Agricultural Extension Officer said, “Thank you to the IPB University Vocational School and PPP Study Program for providing training in making vegetable pesticides from papaya leaves and farming business analysis so that farmers can measure profit and income levels and can increase productivity so that farmers are prosperous.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)