PSP IPB University Lecturers Develop Collaborative Learning and Innovation Research in the KAT Field

PSP IPB University Lecturers Develop Collaborative Learning and Innovation Research in the KAT Field

Dosen PSP IPB University Kembangkan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dan Riset Inovasi dalam Bidang KAT

In the framework of IPB Division Development Grant activities in 2024, the Division of Ships, Tools, and Fisheries Transportation (KAT) of the Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University, held a Collaborative Learning Workshop and Innovation Research held at Sahira Hotel, recently.

The workshop was attended by all members of the KAT Division, totaling 14 people. The workshop was opened by the Chief of the PSP Department of IPB University, Prof Eko Sri Wiyono. In his speech, Prof Eko said that IPB University applies collaborative learning in the form of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Project Based Learning (PjBL). The application of PBL or PjBL learning is also one of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), namely KPI 7, which must be achieved by each study program.

The workshop presented two speakers. The first speaker was Prof Asep Supena, a lecturer from the Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta. In his presentation, Prof Asep said that 21st century learning carries 4C: Critical thinking, Communication, Creative thinking, and Collaboration. 

“Therefore, the application of collaborative learning methods in the form of PBL and PjBL is one of the effective methods to achieve 4C for graduates. The main components in the application of PBL or PjBL are the existence of a Semester Learning Plan (RPS), teaching materials, teaching media, and assessment instruments,” he explained.

The second resource person was Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, a lecturer from the Department of PSP as well as the Chief Vice of the Tani and Nelayan Center IPB University. Dr Roza delivered material related to ‘Tips and Tricks for Making Research Proposals’. “The main thing in preparing and submitting a research proposal is the accuracy in choosing a research scheme and complying with the established administrative requirements,” he said.

The workshop ended with an internal discussion among members of the KAT Division in an effort to revise courses that will apply collaborative learning with PBL or PjBL methods. On that occasion, the KAT Division also prepared a research proposal. (*/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)