PPK Ormawa FMSC IPB University Successfully Empowers Women in Karacak Village, Producing Local Specialty Products

PPK Ormawa FMSC IPB University Successfully Empowers Women in Karacak Village, Producing Local Specialty Products

PPK Ormawa FMSC IPB University Sukses Memberdayakan Ibu Desa Karacak, Lahirkan Produk Unggulan Lokal
Student Insight EN

The role of women in strengthening the local economy is gaining more attention, including in Karacak Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. A group of women in this village, known as ‘Ibu Pemilah’ (Sorting Mothers), is now at the forefront of driving the village’s economy by creating various derivative products from local fruits, such as tea, syrup, chips, and dodol (traditional confection).

Thanks to the support of IPB University students involved in the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) from the Forest Management Students’ Club (FMSC), the women in Karacak Village have received intensive training to improve their skills in product processing, digital marketing, and quality certification.

According to Ismawati Dwi Kartika, one of the IPB University students, the training provided by PPK Ormawa FMSC IPB University aims to enhance the ability of the women to process local raw materials into high-value products ready to compete in the market. They were taught proper processing techniques, from selecting raw materials to hygienic production processes and attractive packaging.

“The training also included digital marketing, where the women were trained to use social media and e-commerce platforms as tools to promote their products more widely, even at the national level,” she said.

One of the members of the ‘Ibu Pemilah Durian’ group, Aan Zanariyah, stated that this initiative not only provided additional income but also increased self-confidence and the active role of women in the village’s economic development.

“With this training, we have become more confident in marketing our products more widely. We were also taught how to manage the business professionally and independently,” she said. She hopes that with this new knowledge, processed products from Karacak Village can become a regional souvenir icon favored by many people.

This initiative not only impacts the village’s economy but also strengthens the position of women as the main pillars of local economic development. The active involvement of women in economic activities not only helps increase household income but also encourages the creation of new jobs for the surrounding community.

The program also raises awareness of the importance of product certification, such as halal certification, household food industry (PIRT) certification, and permits from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to enhance competitiveness and consumer confidence in their products.

With support from PPK Ormawa FMSC IPB University and the determination of the women in Karacak Village, it is hoped that the village’s specialty products will become more widely known and bring positive changes to the local economy. This initiative is also a real example of how empowering women can be key in driving sustainable and inclusive economic development. (IAAS/RUM)