LPDP Awardee IPB University Graduate School Helds LPDP IPB 11.0 Publication Workshop

Awardee of the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University or commonly called LPDP IPB 11.0 Urban Village held a Publication Workshop with the theme ‘Axe: Scientific Work in Impact, Strategy to Pass a Reputable Journal’.
This Publication Workshop is also held with a focus group discussion (FGD) session as a means of training students.
This activity presented the speaker Dr Iman Rusmana, Chief Editor of the Life Journal of Biosciences and the Indonesian Agricultural Science Journal; Dr Ridi Arif Editor of the Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana Journal and the Community Innovation Centre Journal (JPIM), as well as Cep Abdul Baasith Wahpiyudin, SSi, LPDP awardee as well as Published in Scopus Q1 Accredited Journal which reviews various aspects in scientific publications.
This activity aims to be a forum to facilitate the knowledge and skills needed by students to be able to write and publish good and quality scientific works. This training is also expected to help improve the writing skills and scientific publications of SPs IPB University students, both in terms of language, substance, and writing techniques, and can develop quality scientific works that can be published in accredited national journals and international journals indexed by Scopus.
Luh Putu Rina Maharani, MBA as the Leader of the LPDP Scholarship Monitoring and Evaluation Subdivision gave a speech and officially opened this event online. In her speech, she conveyed various things related to student obstacles that usually occur in the writing process to the publication of scientific articles and reminded to keep getting up when facing failure.
“Three big points in the publication process are usually related to the excavation of ideas, establishing communication patterns with supervisors and resilience. Failure and rejection in the process of publishing scientific articles are natural, but how to keep getting up, being able to evaluate previous mistakes, and not giving up is an important thing to have,” she said.
Meanwhile, Dr Iman Rusmana conveyed the publication material in general, how to choose a target journal, as well as how to identify and avoid predatory journals. “Students need to understand the ethics of publication and remind them of the importance of academic integrity in producing scientific work,” he added.
Cep Abdul Baasith Wahpiyudin, SSi on that occasion presented the material ‘Crack the Code! Writing a Scientific Paper, Start from Scratch!’. He discussed about writing strategies for beginners who are just starting to write. “In writing a manuscript, the principle is to write effectively and how do we compile a good manuscript,” he added.
The next material was filled by Dr Ridi Arif who guided the workshop participants to get to know more about the meta-analysis method in quantitative research, as well as providing direct meta-analysis tutorial practises.
After the material, participants enter the FGD session into several groups to discuss their respective publication plans. The FGD session was enthusiastically followed by the participants. The selected group came forward to present the results of their discussion and get a doorprize. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/TIA)