IPB University’s THT Study Programme Targets Superior Accreditation

IPB University’s THT Study Programme Targets Superior Accreditation

Prodi THT IPB University Targetkan Akreditasi Unggul

IPB University continues to be committed to maintaining its quality by bringing in assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in the context of field assessment of the Technology of Cattle Products (THT) Study Programme (Prodi), Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University. 

Prof Suyadi from Universitas Brawijaya and Prof Ismoyowati from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman were assigned as BAN-PT assessors for the assessment of the THT Study Programme of IPB University. Their arrival was welcomed by IPB University Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana.

Chief of the IPB University THT Study Program Reaccreditation Task Force, Dr Cahyo Budiman welcomed the field assessment from BAN-PT. “We are always committed to quality, our last accreditation was in 2018 and was accredited B. Therefore, we want to do an update. Therefore, we want to renew our accreditation and hope to be Superior,” he added.

He also said that the Superior accreditation could have a positive impact on the THT Study Programme. With this status, the THT Study Programme can get many new opportunities such as obtaining international accreditation and the credibility of graduates is more trusted. “This is all part of the THT Study Programme in carrying out the tridarma of higher education in order to continue to maintain and improve quality,” he said.

“We are grateful that IPB University through the Quality Management Office (KMM) supports our study programme to reaccredit. KMM swiftly provided the various support we needed and even accompanied us until this afternoon,” said Dr Cahyo. (Frans/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)