IPB University Students Explore Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi Culture in Maintaining a Sustainable Environment

IPB University Students Explore Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi Culture in Maintaining a Sustainable Environment

Mahasiswa IPB University Eksplorasi Kebudayaan Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi dalam Menjaga Lingkungan Berkelanjutan
Student Insight EN

IPB University students are trying to explore the potential of Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi in the Sirnaresmi Traditional Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Through the Exploration THE 10th Connection 2024 program, their exploration aims to recognize the natural and cultural wealth of indigenous peoples in an effort to adapt to threats and maintain a sustainable culture and environment.

Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi is one of the Banten Kidul Customary Units located around Gunung Halimun Salak National Park. Imelda Rahayu, one of the team members, recounted their journey and exploration activities there. 

“We traveled 113 km from IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor with a travel time of 4 hours 30 minutes. Upon arrival, we were welcomed by the Pupuh of Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi, Abah Asep Nugraha, in the traditional house called Imah Gede,” she said. 

Upon arrival at Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi, he continued, the Exploration Team was introduced to the culture of headbands for men and sinjang for women, and taught how to use them. 

Imelda revealed that Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi has its own way of creating a sustainable environment, one of which is through leuit or a place to store rice harvests which aims to maintain food security. The process of making rice into rice or even rice is still done traditionally by maintaining existing cultural values. 

“The ‘Menutu Beras’ activity using mortar and pestle is usually done by the community when their rice stock has run out. During the menutu process, the rhythmic pounding produced by the pestle and mortar becomes a unique harmony,” she said.

In addition, natural potential is a blessing for the Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi community. The majority of the community earn a living as sap farmers who are processed into brown sugar. They do this activity in the forest by climbing to the top of a tree that is approximately three meters high to place the lodong as a container for nira water. 

Furthermore, IPB University students also visited the nira farmer’s house to see and learn how to make ant sugar, which is one of the superior products of the Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi community.

The highlight of the Exploration Team’s trip was a community action activity with the theme ‘Little Action: Smart Waste Management and Disaster Preparedness’ which aims to provide education about waste management and anticipation of natural disasters, especially landslides. 

This action began with the delivery of material about waste management and anticipation of natural disasters such as floods and landslides with learning media in the form of Pop Up Book which contains a visual description of the material presented. 

“We also invited students of SDN Sirnaresmi to practice making key chains from ecobricks which aims to educate them to reduce plastic waste and reforestation as a form of landslide mitigation,” said Imelda.

For her, the short trip from the Exploration Team provided valuable learning and impressions. The strong culture and tradition in Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi reflects the Resilience of Traditional Villages through Culture in Environmental Preservation, such as the tradition of planting rice which is only done once a year is also a tradition that can realize resilience as well as environmental preservation. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)