IPB University Library Enhances Services Through Fun Training Work-Life Balance and Digital Transformation
IPB University Library successfully held a Fun Training Work Life Balance event at 5G Resort, Cijeruk, Bogor. With the theme ‘Empowering Service Excellence for a Balanced Work Life’, Widiyati Kania, as Assistant of Digital Library Division, Institute of Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) opened the event with a speech that underlined the importance of this training.
“Through this training, we hope that all librarians will be able to improve service quality through the socialisation of Single Sign-On (SSO) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and librarian capacity building,” said Widiyati.
This activity presented speakers Drs Sanmarso and Gregorius Pradana Satriawan, from CV Sagung Seto. They explained that with the implementation of SSO and RFID systems, library services will be more efficient and user-friendly, which ultimately increases user satisfaction.
The activity was also filled with Service Excellence training with speaker Ratih Tri Utami, Manager Dep Network and Service Excellence PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Tbk, who shared tips on providing the best service. Participants were involved in role plays and discussions to explore the concept of service excellence. “Librarians are the face of the library. Excellent service quality will build reputation and user trust,” said Ratih.
Guided by moderator Herrawaty Febri Astuty, Supervisor of Library Services, the material session was also added with a presentation on the changes in the service system and the benefits of this digital transformation for IPB University Library.
Meanwhile, the Chief of LMITD IPB University, Ir Julio Adisantoso, MKom delivered motivation to the participants. “We have changed the paradigm in service and library organisation, because it is based on data. Therefore, we create service facilities with a new concept, but do not eliminate other services,” said Julio.
Also present was the Vice Chief of LMITD IPB University Dr Syafitri Hidayati, who said that several steps of data-based evaluation of services were being tried to accommodate the priority scale of library users’ needs. These efforts are certainly adjusted to the business processes of IPB University Library.
By combining technical training and self-development activities, this event is expected to be able to improve the competence of librarians while strengthening positive working ties, so as to provide superior and innovative services in the IPB University library. (HR/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)