IPB Press Publisher Receives Perpusnas 2024 Award for Food Security and Climate Change Book

IPB Press Publisher Receives Perpusnas 2024 Award for Food Security and Climate Change Book

Penerbit IPB Press Raih Penghargaan Perpusnas 2024 untuk Buku Ketahanan Pangan dan Perubahan Iklim

IPB Press won three prestigious awards held by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas RI) during the 2024 Awards Week. This award was given for the great contribution of IPB Press in enriching national literacy, especially in the field of food security and climate change.

IPB Press won the first best publisher in the Food Security category through a book entitled Membangun Rice Estate untuk Kesejahteraan Petani by Delima Hasri Azahari. 

In addition, the third place award in the same category was given to the book Food Security: Concepts, Determinants, and Inequality by Ikeu Tanziha. In the Climate Change category, IPB Press also made an achievement as the first-ranked best publisher through a book entitled Strategies for Maintaining Agricultural Production in the Face of Climate Change: Climate Smart Agriculture by Prof. Tania June and Yeli Sarvina.

“We appreciate the dedication of authors from IPB University who have presented quality scientific works and are relevant to global issues. This award recognizes their contribution in strengthening national literacy in the field of food security and climate change. This award also motivates us to continue to support the development of science for future sustainability,” said Erick Wahyudyono, Director of IPB Press.

Naufal Mahfudz, Director of PT BLST (Holding Company of IPB University), also expressed his appreciation for this achievement. “This award reflects IPB University’s commitment in supporting the spread of scientific literacy that focuses on national strategic issues such as food security and climate change. We will continue to encourage innovation and the publication of scientific works that have a positive impact on society,” said Naufal.

IPB Press also expresses its gratitude to all stakeholders, including the National Library for organizing this award program, as well as authors, partners, and loyal readers. Their support allows IPB Press to continue to grow and play a role in enriching science-based literacy. Hopefully, this event will continue to be a space of appreciation for writers and publishers, as well as encourage compliance with the print work handover program as an effort to preserve literacy. (*/Lp) (IAAS/FAE)