FPIK IPB University Hosts 11th EAFTA Symposium 2024

FPIK IPB University Hosts 11th EAFTA Symposium 2024

FPIK IPB University Selenggarakan 11th EAFTA Symposium 2024

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) at IPB University, in collaboration with the Inter-University Center for Excellence in Food Security and the Student Association of Aquatic Product Technology (Himasilkan), is organizing the 11th International Symposium of the East Asia Fisheries and Technologist Association (EAFTA) 2024.

This event serves as a platform for discussion and strategic planning, aiming to promote innovation and excellence within FPIK IPB University. The three-day event (September 3-5) is being held at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC) in Bogor.

During the event, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, remarked that Indonesia, with its vast maritime resources and rich biodiversity, is at the forefront of global efforts to enhance sustainable management of aquatic products. IPB University, as a leading institution in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and marine sciences, is strongly committed to advancing research and innovation in this sector.

According to him, IPB University’s efforts to develop agromaritime technology align with Indonesia’s vision of becoming the world’s food barn by 2045. This concept represents a strategic framework integrating Indonesia’s vast agricultural and marine resources to enhance the nation’s global competitiveness.

“As we gather here today, let us recognize the challenges ahead. The acceleration of technological advancements must be met with our ability to adapt and apply these innovations effectively,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof Arif emphasized that IPB University is committed to leading these efforts, not only for Indonesia but for the entire world. This symposium brings together some of the brightest minds in the field, and he is confident that today’s discussions and collaborations will result in significant progress.

Prof Fredinan Yulianda, Dean of FPIK IPB University, stated that the symposium provides an excellent platform for all participants to share cutting-edge research in fisheries technology and marine sciences, enhance collective knowledge, and encourage collaboration among experts from around the globe.

“We are pleased to have 75 participants from Japan, China, Thailand, Canada, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia, all of whom have undergone a rigorous abstract review process,” he said.

Prof Fredinan mentioned that each participant will have the opportunity to present their research and exchange knowledge on the first day of the symposium. In addition to individual research presentations, there will be an EAFTA Special Forum on K-Value on the second day.

“This forum will offer an in-depth exploration of the subject, providing valuable insights and fostering dynamic discussions. I am also pleased to announce that on the final day, we will be organizing a tour around the city of Bogor,” he added.

In response, Mohamad Rahmat Mulianda, SPi, MMar, Director of Marine and Fisheries at the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), stated that the marine and fisheries sector is a vast and highly potential area for exploration. Approximately 89 percent of aquatic and fisheries products are used by humans for consumption.

“Moreover, consuming aquatic products can help improve nutrition and provide essential nutrients at more affordable prices compared to the healthy diet products currently available,” he explained. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)