DPMA IPB University Launches Pre-Marriage School in Sukawening Village

DPMA IPB University Launches Pre-Marriage School in Sukawening Village

DPMA IPB University Luncurkan Sekolah Pranikah di Desa Sukawening

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) in collaboration with the Human Resource Development Center (P2SDM) IPB University officially launched the 2024 Premarital School program in Sukawening Village, 8/9. The launch activity of the Pre-Marriage School was attended by 40 teenagers from Sukawening Village and Sinarsari Village, Bogor Regency.

The Chief of P2SDM IPB University, Dr Amiruddin Saleh, said, this year’s Pre-Marriage School carries the theme ‘Child Marriage Prevention Strategy in Sukawening and Sinarsari Villages’. He said, this program is a commitment of IPB University in helping to solve social problems in the community, especially in the area around the campus.

“Through this Premarital School, we want to help improve the quality of life of teenagers around the campus, so that they can postpone the age of marriage and optimise youth for productive activities,” said Dr Amiruddin Saleh.

The Chief of the Pre-Marriage School Program, Dr Yulina Eva Riany, explained, this school will be held for seven weeks, starting with the launch and ending with the graduation of the participants. “This activity targets at least 70 teenagers from both villages as a real effort to prevent child marriage,” she said.

According to him, although the child marriage rate in West Java has decreased, to 8,56 percent, but the figure is still higher compared to the national target of 6,92 percent. Therefore, Pre-Marriage School is here to help the government and the community in reducing the number of child marriages in West Java, starting from the perimeter area of the IPB Dramaga campus, Bogor.

“Hopefully, this program can give a positive impact to participants in planning a better future marriage and minimising the number of child marriages in Sukawening and Sinarsari Villages,” concluded Dr Yuliana.

Pre-Marriage School will be built directly by a teaching team such as Dr Yannefri Bakhtiar, IPB University lecturer, as well as cadres from two villages. (*/ra) (IAAS/IAN)