SPs IPB University Receives Visit from Unram Postgraduate Programme, Discusses Postgraduate Management and Quality Assurance Cluster
The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University received a visit from the Postgraduate Programme of Mataram University (Unram) at the SPs Building, Dramaga, Bogor (8/8). The visit was to discuss postgraduate management and the quality assurance group at SPs IPB University.
Present in the activity from SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat (Dean), Prof Yusli Wardiatno ( Vice Dean of Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni), Prof Titi Candra Sunarti (Vice Dean of Resources, Cooperation and Development).
The Unram Postgraduate representatives consisted of Prof Farid Hemon ( Vice Dean of Academic, Student Affairs), Dr Putu Artayasa (Chair of the Quality Assurance Group), Prof Lalu Sukardi (Coordinator of the Sustainable Agriculture Doctoral Study Program / Prodi), and Prof Wahyu Astiko (Secretary of the Sustainable Agriculture Doctoral Study Program).
Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat in his speech expressed his gratitude for Unram’s visit to SPs IPB University. He said, currently SPs IPB University is initiating cooperation with SPs from other universities related to synergy or fasttrack programmes for master’s degrees.
“Students can take a postgraduate micro-credential which will be counted as credit to take certain courses. When they graduate, they will be given a certificate and if students want to continue their studies at IPB University, then the course can be recognised with the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) programme,” he said.
Prof Dodik added that there are three types of study programme management at SPs IPB University, namely monodisciplinary, oligodisciplinary and multidisciplinary. Monodisciplinary and oligodisciplinary programmes are managed by the faculty, while multidisciplinary programmes are managed by SPs IPB University.
“But for the admission of new students and monitoring the evaluation of the study period is carried out by SPs IPB University. So, SPs IPB University coordinates quality assurance in all study programmes, both masters and doctoral programmes in all faculties,” he concluded.
Prof Titi Candra Sunarti added that currently SPs IPB University has 56 master programmes and 43 doctoral programmes and manages the Professional Engineer Programme (PPI). In addition, SPs IPB University has several international programmes such as credit earning, summer course, double degree (DD), joint degree and others.
“There are several DD programmes funded by agencies, such as the Ministry of Industry, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Employment Social Security Agency (BPJS), the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), as well as financing from the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) and the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP),” he said.
During the visit, Prof Yusli Wardiatno explained about quality assurance. He said, currently IPB University has a Quality Management Office and an Internal Audit Office that audits study programmes at SPs IPB University every year on an ongoing basis.
“With an internal audit, we can improve our internal quality, so that if there is a study programme that will be reaccredited, we already have records and information on expected improvements and know the points to maintain superior accreditation or become superior accreditation,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Prof Farid Hemon conveyed the purpose of visiting SPs IPB University in order to carry out the Unram programme, namely the preparation of accreditation, as well as quality documents that must be prepared by Unram postgraduate.
“Currently, Unram Postgraduate School manages 8 multidisciplinary study programmes and of course our reference is IPB University which has superior accredited study programmes. We hope to gain knowledge in preparing the accreditation documents needed to be superior,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)