Six IPB University Faculties and Schools Get Technical Guidance for Filling Integrity Zone Evaluation Worksheets

Six Faculties and Schools from IPB University follow the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for Filling the Integrity Zone (ZI) Evaluation Worksheet (LKE). This event was held for two days at the IPB International Convention Centre (IICC), Bogor 14/8.
The six faculties and schools are the Faculty of Animal Science, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, the Faculty of Human Ecology, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Economics and Management and the School of Veterinary Medicind and Biomedical Sciences.
Chief of the Internal Audit Office (KAI) of IPB University, Dr Wawan Oktariza said that the six faculties and schools that received this technical Guidance were faculties and schools that had received the Dean’s Decree (SK) to fill the LKE ZI.
He hopes that the spirit of the six faculties and schools that are currently participating in the technical tutoring will soon be followed by other faculties and schools that have not yet implemented it.
The Secretary of the IPB University Institute, Prof. Agus Purwito said that the filling of LKE ZI is an obligation that is must be done. Thus the importance of filling out this LKE ZI is carried out in accordance with the performance agreement between IPB University and the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek). In the agreement, that at least 50 percent of faculties and schools will build integrity zones.
“If the filling of LKE ZI is not done as soon as possible, it will have an impact on the fund budget,” he added.
Secretary II Bureaucratic Reform Team of the Directorate General of Higher Education Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek), Muhammad Ali Akbar, SE, MBA as a resource person conveyed about bureaucratic reform and integrity zone.
“This is a joint effort in doing governance in our institution. This is the first step of improvement. IPB University as a large institution will have many challenges, through bureaucratic reform and the construction of integrity zones as in an effort to improve,” he said.
He continued, “To accelerate bureaucratic reform, it is done bottom up. In this LKE ZI Filling Technical Guidance, it will be seen which faculty has the best service, with smiling education staff, lecturers are easy to find, through the integrity zone criteria. All faculties are competing to improve the service.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)