Rote Ndao NTT Regency Government Signed MoU with IPB University, Suitable for Developing Agromaritime

Rote Ndao NTT Regency Government Signed MoU with IPB University, Suitable for Developing Agromaritime

Pemkab Rote Ndao NTT Lakukan Penandatanganan MoU dengan IPB University, Cocok Kembangkan Agromaritim

The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Rote Ndao at East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) signed a memorandum of understanding with IPB University. The scope of cooperation will be carried out in the fields of education, research, and community service. Not only that, the focus of cooperation is to include the implementation of innovation and development of animal husbandry, animal health, agriculture and also fisheries and marine.

PJ Regent Rote Ndao NTT, Oder Maks Sombu, SH, MA, MH said thank you for the opportunity given by IPB University. “We are very happy, the arrival of the Rector some time ago to Rote Ndao Regency was followed up with the signing of the cooperation today,” he explained.

He further said that in his territory there are hundreds of islands that are uninhabited but have extraordinary natural beauty. One of the superior potentials is seaweed which has been exported to several countries such as Hong Kong, Thailand, China, and Singapore.

In addition, Oder Maks also conveys other potentials, namely rice, sorghum, village chicken, cow, and sheep. Some areas also still have a lot of land that has not been utilised.

“For that, through cooperation with IPB University, Rote Ndao really needs critical thinking and science from IPB University so that the existing potential can be developed,” he hoped.

Meanwhile, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations in his speech expressed his gratitude for the arrival of the Regent to IPB University and for giving an overview of the potential links between agriculture, livestock, and fisheries in Rote Ndao.

“Some information and potential strategic locations are important. IPB University has a popular concept with the name of agromaritime. Agromaritime is a unity of concepts consisting of agriculture, fisheries, and livestock,” explained Prof Iskandar.

He wants related faculties to be able to move quickly with the facilitation of the Directorate of Collaboration. Prof. Iskandar also opened the possibility of cooperation related to the Regional Envoy Scholarship (BUD) so that the best sons and daughters of Rote Ndao can study at IPB University.

At this moment, a cooperation agreement was also signed between the Faculty of Animal Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences which was carried out by the Vice Deans together with Assistant 2 Regional Secretary Rote Ndao. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NAU)