IPB University’s KKNT Innovation team creates ‘Srati Mengajar Integritas’ program to implement anti-corruption courses
IPB University students participating in the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Innovation designed the ‘Srati Mengajar Integritas’ program in Kebumen, Central Java. Under the guidance of Prof Tri Wiji Nurani, Professor of IPB University, this program was conducted as an effort to instill integrity values and anti-corruption culture among students.
The lecturer of the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) said that this program is an example of an activity that can be equated with the IPB20H Enrichment Course (MK EC) Integrity and Anticorruption Culture.
Prof Tri Wiji added that EC IPB20H Integrity and Anticorruption Culture subject, has been initiated by the IPB University Anticorruption Working Group (Pokja) Team since 2022. The design of the anti-corruption course was the result of capacity building training for IPB University lecturers in 2022.
Subsequently, the Anticorruption Working Group refined the course design. Discussions were also held with various internal stakeholders. As a result, it was agreed that anti-corruption education would be included as an enrichment course in the K2020 Curriculum.
“This course is designed to build integrity and anti-corruption behavior through various learning activities, both on campus and in the community in the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) scheme. The learning outcomes of MK IPB20H are the understanding and internalization of anti-corruption values obtained by students through various activities,” said Prof Tri Wiji.
The ‘Srati Mengajar Integritas’ program implemented by KKNT Innovation students is an effort to strengthen integrity values and anti-corruption behavior among elementary, middle and high school students in Srati Village. The activities carried out are socialization related to integrity material and anti-corruption values, watching learning videos, making TikTok content, and poster competitions.
Prof Tri Wiji, who was also present in one of these activities, emphasized the importance of instilling integrity values such as honesty, fairness, caring, independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work, simplicity, and courage since childhood. These values need to be taught, familiarized, and used as exemplary examples, starting from oneself, within the family and spreading in the community.
“With this course, IPB University is committed to continuing to develop programs that support the strengthening of integrity and anti-corruption culture among the academic community, not only in the campus environment but also in the wider community. This is also an effort to build an IPB University ecosystem with integrity,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NAU)