IPB University Holds Visit Mangrove Planting Project at Blok Elang Laut Mangrove Forest

IPB University Holds Visit Mangrove Planting Project at Blok Elang Laut Mangrove Forest

IPB University Gelar Visit Mangrove Planting Project di Hutan Mangrove Blok Elang Laut

IPB University organized the Visit Mangrove Planting Project event in collaboration with the US Embassy Science Fellow-NOAA, Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, Philippines, Rotary Club, and PT Bank Mandiri, Tbk on Tuesday, August 6.

In his opening remarks, Prof Iskandar Z. Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration, and Alumni Relation, provided guidance to the attendees before they headed to the field to observe the mangrove planting project.

Prof Cecep Kusmana, a faculty member of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) at IPB University, further explained the objectives of the project and shared knowledge about mangrove forests. The selected planting site was the Blok Elang Laut Mangrove Forest.

“This planting will involve two species of mangrove: Rhizophora mucronata and Sonneratia alba,” stated Prof Cecep Kusmana. He explained that Rhizophora mucronata thrives in low-salinity and muddy substrates, while Sonneratia alba grows naturally in the area.

The attendees observed the land preparation process for the mangrove seedlings. The ridge system was applied in this area as it is suitable for deep, calm water regions.

“However, for areas with high waves and strong currents, the line cluster system can be used,” added Dr Amandita Lintang, a researcher from the Department of Silviculture at Fahutan, IPB University.

The next agenda was a visit to the Mangrove Ecotourism site at Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK). During this session, attendees toured the mangrove area, followed by a discussion session throughout the visit. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)