International Education Weeks 2024: Fusion of Culture and the Spirit of Nationalism with International Students of IPB University

International Education Weeks 2024: Fusion of Culture and the Spirit of Nationalism with International Students of IPB University

International Education Weeks 2024 Perpaduan Budaya dan Semangat Nasionalisme bersama Mahasiswa Internasional IPB University

The 79th Indonesian Independence Day celebration at IPB University was carried out in a unique and different way. In a series of International Education Weeks 2024 activities organised by the Directorate of International Education (DPI), IPB University international students from various countries celebrated Indonesia’s Independence Day with enthusiasm.

The activity began with a solemn flag ceremony at the Telaga Inspirasi field, IPB Dramaga Campus. The ceremony participants, including IPB University international students from France, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Sudan, Tanzania, as well as countries in Southeast Asia, followed the procession with great respect. These students come from various programmes at IPB University, including Inbound programmes, inter-campus cooperation, and regular international programmes spread across various faculties and study programmes.

After the ceremony, the excitement continued with a festival of traditional archipelago clothing presented by Agrianita and the academic community of IPB University. The peak of excitement occurred when various traditional Indonesian competitions were held in the courtyard of the International Student Centre as well as the DPI Office. 

The cracker eating competition, balloon sarong relay, ball to glass, and putting nails into bottles, became a competitive event for the participants. Arno Vilarel, a student from France, expressed his excitement, “I really feel the excitement of the event and I will compete optimally with all the teams.”

The event also served as a platform for international students to learn more about Indonesian culture. Through active participation in traditional competitions, they not only enjoy the fun, but also understand the values contained in each game. The intimacy that exists between international and local students further strengthens social relations between nations.

IPB University’s Director of International Education, Puji Mudiana, SP, MA, expressed her appreciation and happiness for the success of this activity. “We are very happy to see the extraordinary enthusiasm of international students, buddies, student boards, and all DPI administrators. Their active participation proves that this event is able to become a platform to introduce Indonesian culture to the world, while strengthening the bonds of brotherhood between us,” she said.

In closing, the event continued with an interactive question and answer session between international students and the Director of International Education at the Student Lounge of IPB University’s International Student Centre. In this session, students had the opportunity to share their experiences and impressions during the series of events. The activity was closed with a meal together, which became a moment of warm togetherness, marking the end of a meaningful celebration.

“With the implementation of this activity, IPB University reaffirms its role as an educational institution that not only focuses on academics, but also on character building and cross-cultural understanding. International Education Weeks 2024 is an effective forum to foster a sense of togetherness and tolerance between nations, making the IPB University campus a second home for international students,” said Puji. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)