Forum Wacana IPB University Visits PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional, Collaborates on Community Empowerment

Forum Wacana IPB University Visits PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional, Collaborates on Community Empowerment

Forum Wacana IPB University Kunjungi PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional, Kolaborasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

The Graduate Student Forum or Forum Wacana (FW) of IPB University, through the Department of Community Development (Comdev), visited PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional in Depok, West Java on August 13th. This visit was part of an ongoing collaboration for sustainable Comdev programs.

PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional is a company that provides responsible and reliable industrial-scale organic waste management solutions.

Deli Wakano, Chair of FW IPB University, stated that this visit was one of FW’s flagship programs, namely ‘Strategic Partnerships,’ which serves as an initial step towards collaborative efforts. The goal is to explore and build collaborations aimed at community empowerment activities, particularly in managing household waste.

“The development of this program not only aims to educate and involve the community in managing household waste but also focuses on improving the economic welfare of the community through productive waste management,” she said.

Luthfi Nur’azkiya, Vice Chair of FW IPB University, added that the collaboration will focus on enhancing the capacity of the community in managing household waste, including through training, mentoring, and providing the necessary technology. It is hoped that this initiative will create long-term positive impacts, not only for the environment but also for the community’s economic well-being.

“We hope this will be a significant first step in empowering the community through innovative waste management solutions while also supporting environmentally-based economic development,” she explained.

Meanwhile, Aminudi, CEO of PT Biomagg Sinergi Internasional, emphasized that corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs must be sustainable and impactful for the broader community and environment.

“We hope to reach a wider community and encourage active participation in managing household waste in a more effective and environmentally friendly way,” said Aminudi, who is also an alumnus of the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)