Excellent Accreditation of IPB University’s PSL Doctoral Program Attracts New Students to Continue Their Studies

Excellent Accreditation of IPB University’s PSL Doctoral Program Attracts New Students to Continue Their Studies

Akreditasi Unggul Prodi Doktor PSL IPB University Jadi Daya Tarik Mahasiswa Baru Lanjutkan Studi

The Doctoral Study Program (Prodi) of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (PSL) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a socialization of welcoming and academic information for new students of the first half of the academic year 2024/2025 at the Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor (11/8). 

Present in this activity were Prof Widiatmaka (Chairman of PSL Doctoral Program), Prof Lina Karlinasari (Secretary of PSL Doctoral Program), teaching lecturers, secretariat team and students of PSL Doctoral Program.

PSL Doctoral Program is a multidisciplinary program under SPs IPB University which was established in 1976. PSL Doctoral Program is the first postgraduate program at IPB University, as well as the first doctoral program in Indonesia.

In accordance with the multidisciplinary character of the study program, students come from various disciplines who study ecological, economic, and social aspects through integrated system and modeling approaches.

Prof Widiatmaka in his speech welcomed the new students. The number of new students in the PSL Doctoral Program has increased every year. Until now, the number of active students is 157 people.

According to him, this indicates that the quality of the PSL Doctoral Program is an option for students to continue their studies, one of which is thanks to the ‘Superior’ accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT).

“The accreditation result of the PSL Doctoral Program is the third to be achieved after 2012 and 2016. In previous accreditations, this study program always received A accreditation which is the highest national accreditation. The latest accreditation that is now achieved uses the new BAN PT accreditation system, namely the highest accreditation is Superior,” he said.

Prof Widiatmaka added that currently the PSL Doctoral Program opens several registration paths, namely program by course and program by research. PSL Doctoral Program also opens a Special Implementation Class which conducts lectures on weekends.

He explained that new students this year are very diverse in terms of scholarship financing, namely from the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI), the Endowment Fund for Education Agency (LPDP), the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the DAAD In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Program The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), and independently.

“The existence of several pathway programs that are opened has provided many choices for prospective students to enter the PSL Doctoral Program. The number of scholarship providers with the aim of the PSL Doctoral Program is certainly good for the development of the study program. This indicates the increasing trust in the PSL Doctoral Program,” he added.

Meanwhile, Prof Lina Karlinasari explained that the PSL Doctoral Program has three concentrations (fields of interest), namely 1) Policy and Management Systems for Natural Resources and the Environment, 2) Management of Ecosystem Dynamics and Environmental Services, and 3) Management and Mitigation of Environmental Damage, Disasters and Global Environmental Change.

“Students do not need to worry that in a multidisciplinary program they will be asked to learn everything, but still in their field of knowledge. Development is more about methodology, so that students understand problems that are analysis, synthesis and design in an integrated manner, with an emphasis on environmental aspects, natural resources and sustainability,” she explained. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)