Blitar Koi Farmers Learn Digital Literacy from IPB University Lecturers’ Outreach Team

Blitar Koi Farmers Learn Digital Literacy from IPB University Lecturers’ Outreach Team

Petani Koi Blitar Belajar Literasi Digital dari Tim Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University

Koi farmers in Kuwut Hamlet, Kemloko Village, Nglegok District, Blitar Regency, had the opportunity to learn about digital literacy and digital marketing from IPB University lecturers. They received this knowledge through a training session conducted by the Dosen Pulang Kampung (Dospulkam) IPB University team from the Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema).

This activity is part of an effort to develop the tourist village community through koi fish farming by utilizing digital tools. The training involved two IPB University lecturers, Mahmudi Siwi, SP, MSi (chairman) and Dr Dwi Retno Hapsari, as well as a lecturer from the Vocational School, Tri Budiarto, SKPm, MSi. In addition, three students from SKPM IPB University were also involved in the training.

“Hopefully, through this training, the marketing reach of koi farmers in Kuwut Hamlet, Kemloko Village, will expand and go global. So the consumers will not only be from old customers,” said Mahmudi Siwi during his opening remarks on Thursday (8/8) at Joglo Koi Park Blitar.

Digital literacy was the first topic presented by Dr Dwi Retno Hapsari during the training. This IPB University SKPM lecturer explained that digital literacy is the ability of koi farmers to read and evaluate every piece of information obtained from digital media.

“Digital literacy is important for koi farmers because there is currently a surge in hoaxes. Hopefully, no koi farmers here will fall victim to them. In addition, with an understanding of digital literacy, new innovations can emerge to ensure the stability and growth of koi marketing here,” said Dr Retno.

The next topic, digital marketing, was explained by Tri Budiarto. He emphasized the importance of utilizing various digital platforms to expand the market and increase the income of Blitar koi farmers.

“Among the various digital platforms discussed, you can start with WhatsApp Business. This application has a catalog feature to display information about the koi fish being marketed,” he explained.

In addition to WhatsApp Business, he continued, expansion can also be achieved by utilizing Instagram, TikTok, and marketplaces such as Shopee. “If you want to edit content in video format, you can use the CapCut application,” explained the IPB University Vocational School lecturer.

Afterward, the koi farmers attending the training were directly guided in downloading and using the features available on WhatsApp Business by three IPB University students in a hands-on and personal manner. They even practiced using the CapCut application to edit video content.

Further discussions addressed the need for support from other stakeholders, including the local government, in efforts to brand the potential of koi fish in Kuwut Village. (EA/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)