120 Students Join International Summer Course related to Halal Industry at IPB University

120 Students Join International Summer Course related to Halal Industry at IPB University

Sebanyak 120 Mahasiswa Ikuti International Summer Course terkait Industri Halal di IPB University
Student Insight EN

A total of 120 students from home and abroad attended the International Summer Course: Advanced Technology and Innovation in Halal Industry. The event was held hybridly through Zoom Meeting. The event, which took place from August 19-24, was officially opened by Prof Drajat Martianto, Chairperson of the International Research Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health at IPB University.

When opening the event, Prof Drajat said, the tagline ‘Inspiring Innovation with Integrity’ signifies the commitment of IPB University in an effort to face changes and uncertainties through the development of research, innovation, and technology, including in the field of industrial halal.

“IPB University has long been committed to increasing knowledge and innovation as well as technological development and innovation in the food sector, including the rapid growth and demand for halal services and products. Hopefully this summer course event will emerge new players in the halal product industry,” he said.

While Prof Khaswar Syamsu, Chairperson of the Halal Science Center (HSC) IPB University, in his speech explained the data that the need for halal products increases every year. This increase is believed to be a sign that people are increasingly aware of quality, healthy and safe food.

Furthermore, he conveyed data from the Research Development Islamic Report. In the report, there are around 1.9 trillion Muslims who have consumed halal products. In fact, Prof Khaswar said, now halal products are not only consumed by Muslims but also by non-Muslims.

Dr Novian Darmawan, Secretary of HSC IPB University who is also the chief organizer said, in the implementation of this summer course in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Management of IPB University. The aim is to provide the latest knowledge to multistrata student participants regarding the latest halal industry and the development of the halal industry.

The summer course was attended by 120 participants from 27 universities from 10 countries. Activities carried out include hybrid theoretical lectures, essay competitions and field trip studies. 

“In the summer course, students will be given insights related to the development of innovation technology and halal materials, halal management systems, also the halal industry supply chain, also related to halal authentication, halal detection, all of which will be given by experts, both from IPB University, as well as from abroad,” he explained.

He also said that there will be experience sharing from industries in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors from a number of companies such as PT Paragon, Hexa Medica Farmasi, and AJinomoto Indonesia. There will also be a lesson learn on the development of the halal system in Indonesia from the Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI).

Meanwhile, Dr Sutan Emir Hidayat who currently serves as Director of Sharia Ecosystem Infrastructure at the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS) RI expressed his appreciation for the summer course organized by IPB University. 

“Indonesia has a population that is mostly Muslim and has great potential in the development of halal products. Indonesia is in the 3rd position in the world from previously being in the 5th position,” he said. Dr Emir also conveyed the government’s strong commitment to be able to dominate the world with the halal product industry. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)