Transforming Idle Land, DPMA IPB University Planted First Sweet Potatoes in Bojong Jengkol Village

Transforming Idle Land, DPMA IPB University Planted First Sweet Potatoes in Bojong Jengkol Village

Transformasi Lahan Tidur, DPMA IPB University Tanam Perdana Ubi di Desa Bojong Jengkol

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University conducted the first planting activity of the Garden Surgery Pilot program in Bojong Jengkol Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency, West Java. This activity is an advanced stage of the Garden Surgery program which previously focused on the process of processing non-productive land.

The program aims to transform non-productive land into productive land. At this stage, the commodities planted were purple sweet potato and golden sweet potato. The first symbolic planting was carried out with the presence of a number of important figures, including the Chief of Bojong Jengkol Village Awaludin Ma’rufatullah, DPMA IPB University Social Entrepreneurship Supervisor Muhammad Isbayu and the garden manager.

In addition, this inaugural planting also involved IPB University’s Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT) students who were assigned to Bojong Jengkol and Tegalwaru Villages. The presence of these students is expected to provide real contributions and practical experience in supporting food security programs in rural areas.

In his speech, the Chief of Bojong Jengkol Village, Awaludin Ma’rufatullah, expressed his appreciation and hope for this program. “We are very grateful to DPMA IPB University for its initiative in developing the land potential in our village. Hopefully this program can run well and provide significant benefits to the community,” he said.

DPMA IPB University Social Entrepreneurship Supervisor, Muhammad Isbayu also added, “The Bedah Kebun pilot program is expected to be a model for other villages in addressing food security. With optimal land utilization, we can increase agricultural productivity and community welfare.”

This activity is part of DPMA IPB University’s ongoing efforts in supporting food security and rural community empowerment. With the collaboration between academics, village governments, and communities, it is hoped that this program can achieve its goals and have a sustainable positive impact.

This first planting marks the first step in a series of activities planned in the Bedah Kebun pilot program. In the future, it is hoped that this program can continue to grow and become an inspiration for various parties to optimize the potential of existing land. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)