Supporting Quality Products, PPK Ormawa Himasilkan IPB University Team Holds Socialization of Quality Standardization and Certification

Supporting Quality Products, PPK Ormawa Himasilkan IPB University Team Holds Socialization of Quality Standardization and Certification

Dukung Produk Berkualitas, Tim PPK Ormawa Himasilkan IPB University Gelar Sosialisasi Standarisasi Mutu dan Sertifikasi
Student Insight EN

The Student Association of Aquatic Product Technology (Himasilkan), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University in order to develop the potential of the village through the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) has been conducted a socialization of quality standardization and certification to support the establishment of quality products in Mekarsari Village, Bogor, West Java.

The activity, which was held in the Mekarsari Village Office Hall, was attended by women farmer groups (KWT), community working groups (Pokja), small and medium enterprises (SMEs), empowerment and family welfare (PKK), as well as people who are interested in the entrepreneurial field in Mekarsari Village.

“Quality standardization and certification are important to be considered so that the products produced are high in quality and can compete in the market. This activity is also expected to provide knowledge and understanding related to good product quality standardization, processing techniques, good manufacturing practice (GMP), and sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOP),” said Qori Jihan Atiqah, a student team representative.

Making processed fishery products requires compliance with Indonesian National Standards (SNI) to ensure quality, including SNI 7266:2017 on processed fish meatballs. In addition, GMP related to site selection, buildings, and operations is a good production method as a prerequisite for product safety and quality.

Teti as the chief of KWT said, “This socialization or lecturing activity has provided an overview of the importance of implementing the standard on the product and labeling to guarantee the quality of the product.”

Nilna Tsabita as the person in charge of the quality standardization sector said, “In the processing of fishery products, the minimum 40 percent of fish meat or surimi is utilized, which is combined with flour and the other ingredients as required, then shaped and cooked,” said Nilna. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ZQA)