Student Motivation Increases, IPB University Student’s Tepat Program Made an Annual Agenda of SMAN 1 Tamansari Bogor

On Wednesday (24/7), IPB University’s Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT) team presented data from the Tamansari EduPath (TEPAT) program. This program aims to help students of SMAN 1 Tamansari, Bogor Regency, West Java in making a mature future plan and being able to increase motivation in continuing education.
The TEPAT program began with socialization to all 12th grade students. 360 students enthusiastically participated in this activity. The students were invited to make an Individual Development Plan (IDP) and take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test.
“Making IDP and MBTI test is expected to help students design their future, both in the short, medium, and long term and make students’ goals more focused,” said Syahrul Wirahadi, coordinator of the KKNT Inovasi IPB University team.
The socialization was followed by an interactive workshop on university information, entry points, and administrative requirements. In addition, information about various scholarships that can help finance lectures was also presented.
“Based on data analysis through each student’s IDP sheet, the number of students who want to continue higher education shows a very significant increase, which is 36 percent of the total number of students who participated in the activity,” Syahrul explained when presenting the results of the program to the Principal, Vice Principal, Guidance Counseling (BK) Teacher, and teachers of SMAN 1 Tamansari.
“The level of satisfaction of the students in the program reached 4.48 on a scale of 5 which is classified as very satisfied,” he added.
Seeing this significant data, the school stated that the Tepat program will become an annual program that will be organized by the school and collaborate with alumni.
“We are very impressed with the results achieved and are committed to making this program an annual agenda. With the support of the alumni, we are confident that we can continue to help students achieve a brighter future,” said Principal of SMAN 1 Tamansari, Dr Rahmat Muhammad.
“The students are helped with their future plans. Hopefully, many students will continue their education to the next level,” added Nur, Vice Principal of SMAN 1 Tamansari.
With an innovative approach based on science and technology (science and technology), as well as the real needs of students, this program aims to provide guidance, motivation, and information needed to succeed in the world of education and careers.
“Together with the KKNT Inovasi IPB University team, let us realize this great vision and make education a strong foundation for a more advanced and prosperous nation,” Syahrul concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)