SKB IPB University Present in Margajaya, Emphasizes the Importance of Environment to Support Children’s Growth and Development

SKB IPB University Present in Margajaya, Emphasizes the Importance of Environment to Support Children’s Growth and Development

SKB IPB University Hadir di Margajaya, Tekankan Pentingnya Lingkungan untuk Dukung Tumbuh Kembang Anak

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) of IPB University together with the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) organized the first meeting of the Quality Family School (SKB) in Margajaya Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City.

This activity was hosted by Dr Yulina Eva Riany with the material ‘Characteristics of Under-fives and the Environment Needed by Under-fives for Optimal Growth and Development’.

Dr Eva explained that the infant period is a period when brain growth is very fast. According to her, this phase is the most vulnerable to disruption, but also has the greatest potential for positive impacts that affect child development.

“Our words affect the child. If we speak with good words, then children will develop well. However, this does not mean children should not be reprimanded. They still need to understand what is good and what is bad,” she said.

Dr Eva continued that early childhood learns through various ways, such as playing, building their own knowledge, and learning naturally.

“Children have high curiosity. We as parents must provide opportunities for them to explore and give them trust,” said Dr Eva.

Through this inaugural meeting of the School of Quality Families, parents are expected to understand the characteristics of children and provide space for exploration so that children grow and develop optimally. (*/Rz) (IAAS/EXC)