Six Programs of KKNT Innovation IPB University Students in Karangsong Village, Indramayu

IPB University’s Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Innovation students stationed in Karangsong Village, Indramayu Regency, West Java have conducted a workshop to socialize the service program at Karangsong Village Hall on Friday, (5/7). The workshop was attended by village officials, the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Diskanla), the Pantai Lestari Group, the Chief of RT and RW of Karangsong Village, and mothers of Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK).
In the workshop, KKNT Innovation IPB University students presented 6 programs that will be carried out in Karangsong Village. The programs target several sectors, namely fisheries processing, character education, and the environment.
The programs carried out are village administration mapping, product management from fish (Porikan), Gotong royong for clean beaches (Coastal Cleaning), mangrove rehabilitation as an abrasion barrier on Karangsong Beach, Karangsong SIGNAGE, and character building in Karangsong Village children who are cheerful, creative and innovative (Song Berceria).
“The programs implemented need to be adjusted to the needs and timeline of the village. Because the contribution and support from the village is very important. Fisheries potential in processing needs to be developed, especially through the marketing sector,” said Angga Mardian Dara as the village coordinator.
Diskanla representative Saefudin added that the community’s understanding of packaging also needs to be strengthened to attract the market. “We from the agency are ready to assist in the implementation of the program. We also have a competent team in the field of fisheries processing as instructors,” he said.
Handi Mian, as Secretary of Karangsong Village, also supported the program. He said, “The program is very good, and we are very supportive of the program. What if the program is implemented side by side with activities or programs from the village, so that the program can be implemented optimally.”
The KKNT Innovation IPB University student program also received an appeal by Carita, a representative of the Pantai Lestari Group. She said, “In Karangsong Village, there are already quite a number of fish processing groups, but they are still not very active, because they are constrained by the marketing process. For mangrove rehabilitation activities, I urge you not to just plant. It’s just symbolic and then it’s done. Planting must be done properly and then it will provide benefits when it grows. Hopefully, this program can run smoothly.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)