Reviving Dead Ponds, PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB Officially Launches Service Program

Reviving Dead Ponds, PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB Officially Launches Service Program

Hidupkan Kembali Kolam Mati, PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB Resmi Memulai Program Pengabdian
Student Insight EN

A team of IPB University students from the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) of the Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) conducted the seeding of tilapia seeds to several target residents in Sukajadi Village, Tamansari Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. The seeding of these seeds serves as a green light to initiate the implementation of the PPK Ormawa Himakua program in Sukajadi Village with the theme “Entrepreneurial Village”.

The seeds were scattered in the ponds of four target residents: Herman, Udin, Adi, and Anda. The seeding of tilapia seeds, sized 2-3 centimetres from the “Nirwana 3” strain, amounted to 3,000 individuals per pond.

This program has garnered enthusiasm from the target residents as it greatly assists in driving the local economy in the village. The seeds that were scattered originated from the previous foster village or “Sister Village”, namely Purwasari Village, which has now successfully developed tilapia breeding using incubator technology.

Warga Desa Sukajadi, who are mostly farmers and goat herders, feel nostalgic with the presence of IPB University students reintroducing aquaculture. This is because the village is currently experiencing a decline in the fisheries sector.

“The activities carried out by the PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB University students make me feel fortunate because they directly involve themselves in the village and help the residents here. I also continuously encourage other residents to participate in this program because it is very beneficial to educate the people of Desa Sukajadi,” said Amang, the Head of RW 10.

Up to now, the implementing team of PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB University continues to monitor and control the ponds that have been seeded using the “SAKU+” and “PRECIFIX” innovations, which are programs to guide residents in ensuring that the aquaculture activities run smoothly according to the standards learned at the university. The students also continue to engage in direct field learning to exchange knowledge with the residents there.

“Hopefully, with the data collection from SAKU+ and PRECIFIX applied in the ponds, I can increase productivity, so it will be better than the previous production,” said Herman, one of the tilapia aquaculture partners of PPK Ormawa Himakua.

“I hope this program can run well and be beneficial for the surrounding residents in the Sukajadi area. I also hope that this program can be continuous and carried on by students in the following years,” he expressed. (*/Rz) (EXC/IAAS)