Rector Affirms IPB University’s Commitment to Encourage Synergy between Education and Industry

Rector Affirms IPB University’s Commitment to Encourage Synergy between Education and Industry

Rektor Tegaskan Komitmen IPB University untuk Mendorong Sinergi antara Pendidikan dan Industri
Student Insight EN

At the Business Matching and Public Discussion 2024 event held by the Consortium of Partnership Ecosystem Strengthening Programme for Innovation Development Based on Regional Potential of West Java and Banten Provinces, Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, affirmed IPB University’s commitment in encouraging synergy between education and industry.

“Insyaallah IPB University continues to be committed to encouraging matching funds. Alhamdulillah, we already have Science Techno Park (STP) as a centre for teaching industry and teaching factory where we manage IPB University innovations,” explained Prof Arif.

Prof Arif added that vocational education has produced many innovations from students. This, he said, continues to be encouraged by IPB University. “IPB University focuses on Green Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle, where everything is bio-based, and this bio innovation formulates future innovations that we must encourage,” he added.

The event, which took place at the IPB International Convention Centre (IICC), Bogor City, aimed to strengthen the synergy between government, academia, industry, society, and media in developing regional innovations.

On that occasion, the Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, emphasised the importance of vocational schools in responding to the development of the industrial world, because graduates must be ready to work directly.

“The most important thing is the acceleration or response to the development of the industrial world, because we know that vocational schools, both vocational schools and vocational colleges, are essentially those who are ready to work directly without the need for training and so on,” said Bey.

Furthermore, Bey revealed that based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2024, the open unemployment rate for vocational school graduates touched 8.6 per cent, while for high school graduates it was 6.7 per cent. According to Bey, vocational schools are an important variable in improving the ability of human resources (HR).

This, he said, must be supported by the government by creating new jobs. “Our task is to improve the ability of human resources and new jobs so that investment is key and vocational schools have a very important role in creating quality human resources,” he said.

Dean of IPB University Vocational School, Dr Aceng Hidayat explained that the partnership established in West Java and Banten Provinces in the vocational-based education development programme is in line with the vision of IPB University Vocational School. Namely to produce graduates who are ready to work, innovative, and able to compete in the global market.

“Through strong partnerships between education and industry, we can create a curriculum that is relevant to market needs, provide appropriate training, and open up internship and employment opportunities for graduates based on vocational education for sure,” he said.

Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu, Chairperson of the West Java and Banten Consortium, explained that the event was part of the Strengthening Partnership Ecosystem for Regional Potential-Based Innovation Development Programme initiated by the Directorate General of Vocational Education through the Directorate of Partnership and Alignment of Business and Industry (Mitras DUDI), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, especially the Directorate General of Vocational Education.

“This activity has started in August 2023, with the support of Mitras DUDI and the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP). Today is the culmination, the output of this programme is a policy paper that we give to each province,” said Dr Doni who is also a lecturer at the Vocational School of IPB University.

Dr Doni explained that the members of this consortium team consisted of various universities, including the Vocational School of IPB University, Bandung State Polytechnic, Bandung Manufacturing Polytechnic, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Subang State Polytechnic and Indramayu State Polytechnic.

“We, the consortium team, hope that the results of business matching activities and study results can provide real benefits for workforce planning and innovation planning in West Java and Banten. Let us together realise our vision to create a strong, innovative and sustainable partnership ecosystem,” Dr Doni concluded. (IAAS/RUM)