Realizing Agritech Village, Here’s the Strategic Step of PPKO Team of Himateta IPB University in Ciaruteun Ilir Village

Realizing Agritech Village, Here’s the Strategic Step of PPKO Team of Himateta IPB University in Ciaruteun Ilir Village

Wujudkan Desa Agritech, Ini Langkah Strategis Tim PPKO Himateta IPB University di Desa Ciaruteun Ilir
Student Insight EN

In order to initiate Agritech Village in Ciaruteun Ilir Village, Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency, West Java, the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) team from the Agricultural Technology Student Association (Himateta) IPB University held Workshop 1, Saturday (29/6).

The activity was located at Balai Rakyat Indonesia, Ciaruteun Ilir Village and was attended by 39 people, including village officials, youth leaders, supervising lecturers, and target farmer groups.

At this moment, the PPK Ormawa Himateta IPB University implementation team explained the Agritech Village work program that would be implemented as well as inaugurating the start of the implementation of service activities in Ciaruteun Ilir Village.

According to Hairullah Rizki, the head of the PPK Ormawa Himateta IPB University implementation team, this village has great potential in agriculture. However, this potential is not yet optimal, one of which is due to the lack of technology utilization in the farming process.

Hairullah explained that the theme was Smart Farming. Students introduced the main program called Siraba, which stands for Siap Tani, Rawat Tani, and Bina Tani. The program covers the entire agricultural process, from land management, planting, harvesting, to post-harvest processing.

“Siap Tani is a land management program before the planting process, which includes activities such as the Initiation of Precision Vegetable Land Management (Sipresi). Rawat Tani focuses on the planting and plant care process, with activities such as Imah Maggot Pintar (Imager), Rumah Kompos Produksi Rakyat (Kompak), Biopori Lahan Sayur (Biyur), Tampungan Air Hujan (Tahan), and Irigasi Sprinkle Otomatis Lahan Sayur (Isola),” Hairullah explained.

Furthermore, there is the Bina Tani program that focuses on the post-harvest process. The goal of this program is to provide training on Effective and Creative Technology-Based Agricultural Processing (Rantik) to its sales aspect through e-commerce.

“Later there will be a Bilik Tani website that can be accessed via the internet to help farmers manage vegetable land from upstream to downstream and become a forum for consultation with IPB University lecturers. Its use will be assisted by Desa Agritech agent partners,” said Hairullah.

Dr Agus Sutejo, lecturer supervisor of Himateta IPB University said, “I hope students can apply the knowledge they have learned to provide real benefits to the people of Ciaruteun Ilir Village.” He also hopes that the village community can provide guidance and support to the PPK Ormawa Himateta IPB University team during the implementation of this program.

Amsor, the chief of the local hamlet revealed, “I am grateful to the PPK Ormawa Himateta IPB University implementation team and hope that this program can solve various problems faced by farmer groups.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)