Quality Family School, Babakan Village, Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture

Quality Family School, Babakan Village, Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture

Gandeng Mahasiswa KKNT Inovasi, Sekolah Keluarga Berkualitas IPB University Dorong Warga Babakan Cerdas Mengelola Keuangan Keluarga
Student Insight EN

IPB University’s Quality Family School team collaborated with Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT) students in the Babakan Village area, Bogor to carry out the fifth Quality Family School program learning on the topic of Smart Managing Finance, Wednesday (26/6). The speaker of the lesson was Dr Lilik Noor Yulianti.

“Although my team and I live in Babakan Village which is very close to IPB University and we carry out the Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture here, it does not mean that our enthusiasm is not as big as other teams who Thematic Real Work Lecture in other areas. In fact, we are very happy today to meet with mothers. Hopefully with this learning, we can all gain new knowledge on how to manage money in the family,” said Huda, head of the Babakan Village Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture student team.

During the material explanation process, the women participating in the Quality Family School program were very enthusiastic in listening to the material. Not only that, they were also very active in sharing their daily experiences in managing their household finances. The participants were also enthusiastic to ask for advice from the resource person regarding how best to manage family finances.

“For me, ma’am, I usually like to set aside more. We don’t know, ma’am, what’s going to happen in the future. So I set aside some for emergency funds,” said Herni, one of the participants in the School of Quality Family program in Babakan Village.

Dr Lilik on that occasion, strongly emphasized to the participants of the Quality Family School program in the Babakan Village area to properly manage household financial allocations. Starting from preparing an emergency fund, to paying attention to the principle of needs and wants in spending the money that their husbands have given them.

In addition, Dr Lilik also gave advice to the women participating in the School of Family Quality program in the Babakan Village area to try to allocate money in the household in the form of a business that is easy to do. This, according to her, can be an additional income for the family. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SNI)