Promoting Forest Village, PPK Ormawa TGC IPB University Selects Ciasihan Village as a Centre for Fragrant Root and Essential Oils

Promoting Forest Village, PPK Ormawa TGC IPB University Selects Ciasihan Village as a Centre for Fragrant Root and Essential Oils

Usung Desa Hutan, PPK Ormawa TGC IPB University Pilih Desa Ciasihan Jadi Sentra Akar Wangi dan Minyak Atsiri
Student Insight EN

Ciasihan Village, located at the foot of Mount Halimun Salak in the Bogor area, has a large area of productive land. This potential is the reason why the Tree Grower Community (TGC) team of IPB University chose “Forest Village” for Program Penguatan Kapasitas Organisasi Kemahasiswaan (PPK Ormawa) there.

Forest Village was promoted to initiate Ciasihan Village as a centre for vetiver and essential oils. As the opening of a series of activities, TGC IPB University held a workshop 1 at the Ciasihan Village Hall, Tuesday (9/7). This activity was attended by village officials, forest farmer groups, desa tangguh bencana (destana), community leaders and youth leaders.

This activity was symbolically inaugurated with the Head of Ciasihan Village who has great hopes and ideals with IPB University students. On this occasion, the PPK Ormawa  TGC  implementation team explained about the theme raised, namely “Initiation of Sentra Desa Akar Wangi as a Forest Village Model Innovation in Building Community Welfare”.

The implementation of this PPK Ormawa starts from June to October 2024. The goal is to provide new experiences for students to go directly and socialise with the community.

“The PPK Ormawa TGC activity carried out by Silviculture students of IPB University is highly appreciated and supported. In the future, we will try to facilitate both the provision of pilot land, the place of activity and the place of residence for students while in the village,’” said Ciasihan Village Chief, Lilih N, SIP.

He hopes that Ciasihan Village can become a pilot village in processing essential oil-producing plants. The reason is, so far Ciasihan Village has great potential that must be optimised with the ideas and ideas of young people, especially IPB students as one of the closest higher education institutions to the village and it should be a shared responsibility in exploring this potential.

The series of PPK Ormawa TGC activities include three main programmes, namely Sekolah Rimbawan, Desa Tangguh Wangi and Desa Rimba Wangi. These activities include how to cultivate vetiver, plant, care for, utilise and process vetiver into derivative products. In addition, the PPK Ormawa TGC implementation team took an agroforestry approach in modelling the planting.

“Ciasihan Village has the potential for forest areas with large and open productive land. This is one of the reasons plants such as vetiver are planted. In addition, without eliminating superior commodities because in the first year the implementation team is still at the stage of initiating pilot land,” said the head of the implementation team, M Rizki Hadi Pratama.

Lufthi Rusniansyah, SP, MSi as the accompanying lecturer of the PPK Ormawa TGC team said, “This activity is not only for the strengthening and improvement of the ormawa, but it is a medium for students to practice what has been obtained during lectures. Hopefully what is done in Ciasihan Village through this activity can run smoothly and be useful for all communities.”

PPK Ormawa activities were also welcomed by the RW / RT and the Ciasihan Village community. They have high enthusiasm in every discussion of workshop preparation. “We, the people of Ciasihan Village, who are mainly young people, also support and welcome this activity,” said Komar, a RW representative. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)