Preventing Gratification, IPB University Invites KPK to Socialize for Work Units

Preventing Gratification, IPB University Invites KPK to Socialize for Work Units

Cegah Gratifikasi, IPB University Undang KPK Sosialisasi untuk Unit Kerja

The Internal Audit Office (KAI) of IPB in collaboration with the Directorate of Gratification and the Directorate of Educational Networks of KPK held a Gratification Control Workshop at the Mandiri Innopreneurship Center Building, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor, 9/7. This activity presented speakers from the Directorate of Gratification of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Gratification Control and Complaint Handling Unit (UPGPP) of Universitas Brawijaya.

This activity was attended by several related units within IPB University, namely the Business Management Agency, Investment, Sustainable Funds and Waqf, Internal Audit Office, Risk Management Office, Directorate of Education Administration, Directorate of Cooperation, Directorate of Human Resources, Directorate of Research and Innovation, Directorate of General and Infrastructure, Legal Bureau, Procurement Unit, Vocational School and lecturer representatives.

Secretary of the Institute (SI) of IPB University, Prof Agus Purwito, said, this activity aims to assist the implementation of the action plan on Gratification Control as a priority anti-corruption device that has been set by IPB University. He said, gratification is one of the corrupt practices that must be prevented, especially in the academic environment.

Meanwhile, the Directorate of Gratification of KPK, said that the first step that needs to be taken by IPB University in the implementation of gratification control is the formation of a Gratification Management Team and the making of regulations on gratification control. This activity is expected that IPB University as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) can implement good practices in gratification control. Thus, it can make IPB University a corruption-free higher education institution, and can maintain public trust and the reputation of IPB University.

Dr Santi from UPGPP Universitas Brawijaya said that the criteria for gratuities that must be reported are that the recipient is a state official / employee, related to the position, and contrary to his obligations or duties. “The criteria for gratuities that we must report are in accordance with Law No.20/2001 concerning Corruption Crimes, articles 12B and 12C,” she said.

Dr Santi also explained about the criteria for gratuities that do not need to be reported. The criteria for gratuities that do not need to be reported are that they are generally applicable, do not conflict with applicable laws and regulations, are seen as a form of expression within reasonable value limits, and are a form of gift that is within the norms in society within reasonable value limits. Furthermore, Dr Santi added that every official and employee must know the criteria for gratuities that need and do not need to be reported. (IAAS/SNI)