PKM PM IPB University Students Propose LIVELET, a Leadership Program for 3T Children

PKM PM IPB University Students Propose LIVELET, a Leadership Program for 3T Children

Mahasiswa PKM PM IPB University Usung LIVELET, Program Kepemimpinan bagi Anak-anak 3T
Student Insight EN

Five IPB University students who are conducting the Student Creativity Program for Community Service (PKM PM) initiated the Leadership Adventure Pamflet (LIVELET) program with Yayasan Tangan Pengapan (YTP) in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. This program is expected to support YTP’s vision, which is to produce 1,000 leaders of change for Indonesia.

The LIVELET program was attended by 21 children from disadvantaged, frontier and outermost (3T) areas. They came from Nabire, Mentawai, Halmahera, and other inland areas. These children are the best children sent from each region to take part in the education program at the YTP Jakarta dormitory.

“Children in our school, there are no other special programs that are followed. We realize the children’s lack of leadership,” said Lestari N Sihombing, Chairperson of Education at YTP.

She added that it has been difficult for the children to socialize and communicate with strangers. Their self-integrity also still needs to be built. In line with these problems, IPB University students are here to foster the children’s leadership spirit.

Hana Indriana, SP, MSi, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Communication Science and Community Development said, the ability to lead oneself is the controller and basis of whatever a person has.

Bintang Simanjuntak, one of the PKM PM IPB University team members elaborated, the LIVELET program is based on the Hasta Brata philosophy by imitating 8 leadership traits in it. The eight traits are earth, sky, moon, sun, wind, stars, fire, and sea.

“Each of these programs reflects a value that a leader must have. Like the value of earth, which means that leaders must be generous, giving, and charitable,” she said.

The expected output of this program is the formation of leadership spirit in 3T children in YTP Jakarta, including integrity, collaboration, and communication. They are also adaptive, skillful and able to explore independently. In addition, Bintang hopes that this program can create participatory learning action-based learning methods and programs to form leaders with character.

The pentahelix collaboration is run from the aspects of academics, business, community, government, and media. “In the academic aspect, cooperation between departments at IPB University and YTP will be proposed. Then business, networking with YTP sponsors,” she said.

Then, in the community aspect, the PKM PM IPB University team seeks to have LIVELET applied to all YTP in other inland points. In the government aspect, an audience was held with the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to recommend sustainable program assistance.

“Finally, we will also disseminate the benefits of the program through partner websites, mass media, and social media,” she said. (IAAS/ZQA)