PIB IPB University and DPP KNPI Hold Safety Riding Socialization for Youth and Students

PIB IPB University and DPP KNPI Hold Safety Riding Socialization for Youth and Students

PIB IPB University dan DPP KNPI Gelar Sosialisasi Safety Riding untuk Pemuda dan Mahasiswa

The Central Leadership Council (DPP) of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI) of Bogor Regency in collaboration with the Guarding the Nation’s Ideology (PIB) IPB University held a Safety Riding Socialization for youth and students. The event was held at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus (27/6).

On that occasion, Chairman of PIB IPB University, Aldi Ferdiansyah mentioned, “This safety riding activity is useful to provide an understanding of how to use safety equipment when driving, obeying traffic rules, as well as controlling emotions and understanding the route on the way.” According to him, this is important considering the high number of traffic accidents involving young people, especially students.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana, in hisspeech also said, “Students need to be orderly on campus and drive orderly. Therefore, they must be the pioneers of driving safety.”

According to KNPI DPP Vice Chair, Edy Wijaya, student awareness of traffic is increasing. “KNPI has tried to collaborate in conducting this activity. Safety Riding is present on the basis of awareness of the importance of the safety of oneself and others while driving traffic so that it is necessary to understand the rules of driving,” he explained.

The socialization event was attended by youth and students from various communities in Bogor including the Islamic Student Association (HMI) Bogor Branch Commissariat, Indonesian Islamic Students, and members of regional student associations such as the Minang Student and Student Association (IPMM) and Pamaung Bandung.

The speakers in this event included Rusdi Ali Hanafi (Vice Chairman of DPP KNPI), Yudi Sudarma (Jasa Raharja), Toto Mustopa, SIP, MSi (Assistant Director of Transportation Management and Environmental Security of IPB University Campus), and Ipda A Rahman, SH, MH (Kanit Kamsel Satlantas Res Bogor).

Toto Mustopa, Assistant Director of Transportation Management and Environmental Security of IPB University Campus in his material said that IPB University has been committed to supporting various positive activities in supporting traffic awareness since 2004 until now.

“In 2015, IPB University began to commit to becoming a Green Campus so as to create green transportation through the provision of bus facilities, bicycles, and the provision of motorcycle verification posts,” he explained.

Participants of the event had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the speaker. At the end of the event, they were also given tips and tricks to avoid traffic accidents.

The safety riding socialization was welcomed enthusiastically by the participants. One of them was Fathan Putra Mardela who said, “This Safety Riding activity is very useful and opens new insights for us as students who will become pioneers of the nation, especially pioneers of orderly traffic.” (IAAS/EXC)