IPB University’s Lecturers Return Home Program Encourage the Entrepreneurial Spirit of National Adiwiyata School Students in Sukoharjo

IPB University’s Lecturers Return Home Program Encourage the Entrepreneurial Spirit of National Adiwiyata School Students in Sukoharjo

Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University Dorong Jiwa Kewirausahaan Siswa Sekolah Adiwiyata Nasional di Sukoharjo

The Lecturers Return Home Program (Dospulkam) is part of the community service activities carried out by IPB University lecturers. This program utilizes the science, technology and innovation of IPB University lecturers to advance the welfare of society and educate the nation’s life.

Dr Siti Badriyah Rushayati as the team leader along with Ir Lin Nuriah Ginoga, MSi, Dr Rachmad Hermawan, and Dr Eva Rachmawati who are IPB University lecturers from the Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism (KSHE), Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University provide literacy and improvement of entrepreneurial spirit to students of National Adiwiyata School, Muhammadiyah 1 PK Sukoharjo Islamic School.

“Sukoharjo Regency is known as the City of Herbs so that students are expected to have knowledge and foster an entrepreneurial spirit in preserving and utilizing medicinal plants that can improve the welfare of the community,” said Dr Siti Badriyah.

The literacy and entrepreneurial spirit enhancement activities were attended by more than 30 students, several teachers and principals and several invited guests.

The innovation applied in this activity is the utilization of medicinal plants into tea. Starting from the stages of preservation, formula making and tea packaging.

Students, teachers and principals were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity and thanked IPB University for accompanying Muhammadiyah 1 PK Sukoharjo Islamic School since the school was in the process of applying as a National Adiwiyata School.

Currently, Muhammadiyah 1 PK Sukoharjo Islamic School  is in the process of applying for Adiwiyata Mandiri school. The school also hopes that IPB University will still assist the school in realizing an environmentally friendly school that can motivate other schools to follow in the footsteps of Muhammadiyah Islamic School to become an adiwiyata school. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)