IPB University Vocational School Students Secure Second Place in National Digital UI/UX Competition

IPB University Vocational School Students Secure Second Place in National Digital UI/UX Competition

Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Raih Juara 2 Kompetisi Digital Nasional UIUX Competition

The Hasta Karya team from the Software Engineering Technology Study Program (TRPL) at IPB University’s Vocational School achieved second place in the National Digital UI/UX Competition during HIMSI UAJY Innovation Week #4 2024.

The event was held at Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta. The Hasta Karya team presented an innovative website named umkm.GO, designed to assist micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in business development.

This competition featured participation from numerous teams representing various universities across Indonesia. Competitors were tasked with designing innovative digital solutions for MSMEs in the digital era. The Hasta Karya team, led by Setiady Ibrahim Anwar and Fauzi Adi Saputra, and supervised by TRPL lecturer Amata Fami, MDs, impressed the judges with their creative and beneficial concept for MSME stakeholders.

Dr Aceng Hidayat, Dean of the Vocational School at IPB University, expressed his appreciation for the Hasta Karya team’s achievement. He highlighted that this success reflects the dedication and competence of IPB University’s Vocational School students in tackling national-level challenges, particularly in digital and technological fields.

“This achievement demonstrates the dedication and competence of IPB University’s Vocational School students in addressing national-level challenges, particularly in digital and technological fields. Congratulations to the Hasta Karya team,” stated Dr Aceng Hidayat.

Setiady Ibrahim Anwar, the leader of the Hasta Karya team, shared that this competition was a valuable experience for the team. He expressed pride in competing against talented students from various universities in Indonesia.

“It was a memorable experience to compete with teams from various universities across Indonesia. This achievement is a result of collective teamwork and effort, not individual contributions. Our goal extends beyond winning the competition; we aim to provide innovations and solutions for the development of the MSME industry in Indonesia,” said Setiady.

The umkm.GO platform offers various features to support MSME business development. These features include UMKM Exploration, enabling users to explore registered MSMEs and find desired products, an Investment feature that facilitates user investments in preferred MSMEs, a Collaboration feature promoting partnerships among MSMEs for business development, and an Export feature allowing users to export their products internationally.

The success of the Hasta Karya team with umkm.GO is anticipated to significantly contribute to the development of the MSME industry in Indonesia and enhance its competitiveness on the international stage. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)