IPB University Lecturers Return to Their Hometown to Train Jatisari Village Residents in Making Livestock Feed from Agricultural Waste

IPB University Lecturers Return to Their Hometown to Train Jatisari Village Residents in Making Livestock Feed from Agricultural Waste

Dosen Pulang Kampung IPB University Latih Warga Desa Jatisari Terampil Buat Pakan Ternak dari Limbah Pertanian

Lecturers from the Vocational School of IPB University conducted a “Dosen Pulang Kampung” (Dospulkam) activity by providing training on making silage from agricultural waste to the community in Cibabut Hamlet, Jatisari Village, Kedungreja District, Cilacap Regency on Thursday (11/7).

The goal of this activity was to enhance the community’s knowledge and skills in utilizing agricultural waste to create high-quality livestock feed, in line with IPB University’s expertise in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry.

The Dospulkam team from IPB University, led by Dr Dwi Budiono, initiated this training to enable the community to use agricultural waste as a potential feed resource. Dr Dwi explained that the silage-making training aims to help the community use agricultural waste as valuable livestock feed. By utilizing this waste, the community can improve their livestock efficiency and productivity while reducing unused waste.

“This training is organized so that the community can use agricultural waste as potential livestock feed. This way, livestock efficiency and productivity can increase, and unused waste can be reduced,” Dr Dwi stated.

The event was also attended by Dr Syamsul Aulia Rahman, Vice Regent of Cilacap for the 2017-2022 period. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset for villagers.

“Villagers should adopt an entrepreneurial mindset. One of the most relevant fields of entrepreneurship for villagers is livestock. This will provide additional income for the community,” Dr Syamsul said.

The training, led by Dr Dwi and Dr Tekad Urip Pambudi Sujarnoko, covered livestock management, feed, and animal health. Dr Dwi mentioned that the interactive discussion session was followed by a practical silage-making demonstration conducted by the IPB University lecturers with the help of student Dzikri Fajar Lukmana.

“The community’s enthusiasm was very high, considering this was their first training on silage-making,” he noted.

The event also included discussions that led to an agreement to start sustainable farming and adopt more modern livestock marketing systems, including digital marketing. According to Dr Dwi, this provided a motivational boost for the community.

“The residents of Jatisari Hamlet are grateful to the IPB University lecturers for providing this training. Utilizing agricultural waste can add value to agriculture in Jatisari Village,” said Aris Winarso, Chief of Jatisari Village.

Dr Dwi added, “The contribution of IPB University academics is highly anticipated by farming communities in various regions. This training underscores the important role of academics in advancing agriculture and animal husbandry in Indonesia.” (DBD/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)