IPB University Lecturers Introduce Attractor Lamp Innovation for Fishermen on Sebesi Island

Lecturers and students from the Department of Fishery Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) of IPB University carried out the “Dosen Pulang Kampung” (Dospulkam) activity on Sebesi Island, Lampung. During this event, the IPB University Dospulkam team introduced the innovation of attractor lamps for small-scale fishermen there.
This event was held in collaboration with the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA), Tani and Fishermen Center (TNC), Indonesian Fisheries Graduates Association (Ispikani), Sebesi Island Marine Protected Area Management Agency (BPDPL), and PT Indocarbon Nusantara. The event was attended by the village chief, the president of BPDPL, and 20 fishermen using fishing rods, lobster traps, and fish traps.
The IPB University Dospulkam team consists of five lecturers, namely Dr Roza Yusfiandayani as the team leader, Prof M Imron, Prof Domu Simbolon, Prof Eko Sri Wiyono, and Tri Nanda Citra Bangun, SPi, MSi. The team is also supported by 6 PSP students: Noviana, Susanti, Kasab, Reza, Yomivin, and Tiara.
The village chief and the president of BPDPL express their gratitude for the presence of the IPB University lecturers. Both of them welcome the innovation introduced to the fishermen on Sebesi Island. They hope that this Dospulkam will be the initial initiation and will continue in the future for the implementation of innovation.
Rachmatullah, the leader of Bina Bahari Fishermen of Sebesi Island, stated that there are 150 fishing fishermen on Sebesi Island, Lampung, and they are ready to implement the attractor lamp innovation. He also expressed his gratitude for the presence of the IPB University lecturers’ team who were willing to accompany the fishermen.
Dr Roza Yusfiandayani, the leader of the Dospulkam team at IPB University in this area, introduced and taught fishermen about the operation of light attractors. Until now, fishermen have been using traditional fishing aids such as traditional fish aggregating devices (rumpon).
“The light attractor is designed similar to a portable fish aggregating device, with features including a small and compact casing, water-resistant, concise, economical, and usable anywhere,” explained the vice chairman of TNC IPB University.
The lecturer from PSP IPB University noted that, unlike other lighting technologies that still use electricity from diesel-powered generators (BBM), the light attractor already uses rechargeable battery electricity. Therefore, fishermen are not burdened with the uncertainty and instability of diesel fuel availability and prices.
Upon hearing the explanation about the light attractor, fishermen felt enthusiastic and provided various positive responses. One fisherman even volunteered to try the device on his boat. Others also offered suggestions, such as ensuring the light’s power could last through a full night and having a charging indicator.
Dr Roza, who is also the chief of the Community Service Division Ispikani, ensured that in the future, the light attractor will be continuously improved to include solar panels. She mentioned that equipping the light attractor with solar panels would enable the use of renewable energy and reduce carbon usage in the sea. (IAAS/EXC)