IPB University KKNT Students Turn Village Potential in Lampung into Superior Products through Aquaponics

IPB University KKNT Students Turn Village Potential in Lampung into Superior Products through Aquaponics

Mahasiswa KKNT IPB University Ubah Potensi Desa di Lampung Menjadi Produk Unggulan melalui Akuaponik
Student Insight EN

Mulya Jaya Village, Central Tulang Bawang District, West Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province has abundant potential such as many goat and cattle breeders, fish ponds, and gardens such as rubber. However, the utilization of these resources has not been maximized because the average resident utilizes them only for personal consumption.

Through the IPB University Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT), students together with village officials utilize cages, ponds, gardens and tourism (3K1W) through several programs, one of which is the use of bioflocs for aquaponics.

“Aquaponics is an agricultural system that combines aquaculture and hydroponics in a symbiotic environment. In this system, fish waste provides nutrients for plants, while plants filter and clean water for fish, thus creating a sustainable cycle that supports each other,” said Aura Suci Cahyani, a student of KKNT Innovation Desa Mulya Jaya.

Aura continued, aquaponics was demonstrated to all Mulya Jaya villagers in three community ponds. The plant used was kale because it has a fast growth rate and is rich in nutrients. Tools and materials for making aquaponics are made from items that are easily accessible to residents such as charcoal, baskets and used bottles.

“By utilizing the pond as a planting area without soil media, I think it is very good and useful for Mulya Jaya villagers who on average have ponds, so that residents cultivate plants independently,” said Taryono as Secretary of Mulya Jaya Village.(*/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)