IPB University Graduate School Conducts Website Development Training for Multidisciplinary Study Programs

IPB University Graduate School Conducts Website Development Training for Multidisciplinary Study Programs

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Pelatihan Pengembangan Website di Lingkungan Prodi Multidisiplin

Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University held a website development training in the SPs environment, especially for multidisciplinary study programs (prodi). The activity presented speakers Asep Denda Is Purwanto, Muhammadi Jaka Utama, SKomp, Teguh Adi Setia, AMd from the Institute for Information Management and Digital Transformation (LMITD) IPB University on (28/6) in Bogor.

Rudi Irawan, SP, MSi as Chairperson of Administration (KTU) SPs IPB University emphasized the importance of the website as a channel of information for students and prospective students. “The need for website management is very important, we want the SPs education staff (tendik) to have the ability to manage the website. Therefore, SPs IPB University held this training,” he said.

He added, currently the multidisciplinary study programs at SPs IPB University already have their respective websites. In addition, websites for several excellent study programs are also available, such as for the International Seminar on Resources and Environmental Management (ISENREM) and the International Summer Course of Natural Resources Environmental Management Science (ISCoNREM).

“The ability of tendik in managing this website will have a very important impact, especially the latest information in the study program, so we hope that tendik in multidisciplinary study programs can be serious in participating in this training,” he added.

Meanwhile, Asep Denda Is Purwanto said that some websites in the SPs IPB environment have a display that is still not according to standards, such as headers, logos, menus, templates and display formats and menu navigation.

“The development of the latest website and according to the template that has been given by IPB University is very important, in addition to updating the content as well as for the security of the website itself,” he added.

Denda added, many information searches are done through the website. Therefore, website development is also important to be more professional and structured, and more information can be displayed.

“The website on the IPB University server has the official domain ipb.ac.id, gets Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) facilities, and website maintenance and security are accompanied by the LMITD team,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)