IPB University Experts Remind the Importance of Family Function to Prevent Stunting

IPB University Experts Remind the Importance of Family Function to Prevent Stunting

Pakar IPB University Ingatkan Pentingnya Fungsi Keluarga Cegah Stunting

IPB University through the Quality Family School Program (SKB) under the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) together with the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK) and the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Innovation held a meeting at Posyandu Cempaka, Situgede Village, Bogor, West Java (28/6).

This meeting discussed the theme of Strengthening Family Functions in the First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK) Period for Stunting Prevention delivered by Dr Tin Herawati, IPB University expert in the field of stunting prevention and handling.

In the activity, Dr Tin Herawati explained that the 1,000 HPK period is the period starting from the pregnancy phase (for 270 days) until the child is two years old (730 days). During this period, more than one million new brain connections are formed in the first years of life. Therefore, strengthening family functions during this period is very important to prevent stunting.

“Non-optimal family function during the 1,000 HPK period will result in low parenting quality, which determines the quality of children in the future,” explained the Head of the Department of IKK, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University.

“The negative impact of non-optimal parenting in the 1,000 HPK period is the low quality of parenting which has an impact on the quality of children in the future,” she continued.

She also added that neglecting the fulfilment of children’s physical and psychological needs at 1,000 HPK has the potential to create insecure mother-child attachment. This condition can form children with unhealthy personalities and problematic adolescents, such as unruly, naughty, even aggressive behaviour such as brawls and criminal acts.

“After attending this meeting, participants are expected to know the importance of strengthening family functions in the 1,000 HPK period to prevent stunting,” she said.

After this socialisation, the SKB IPB University team also plans to collaborate with posyandu cadres in various agendas, one of which is a cooking demonstration to introduce nutritious food recipes.

“Later we will also hold egg processing activities for children who are stunted,” said Dr Tin.

The meeting is expected to raise public awareness about the importance of family roles in stunting prevention and strengthen family functions during 1,000 HPK to create a healthy and quality generation. (*/Rz) (IAAS/EXC)