IPB University Announces the Admission of New Students for Applied Bachelor and International Classes Self Selection Pathway

IPB University announced the results of the admission of new students for the IPB Self Selection (SM-IPB) Applied Undergraduate Program and International Class, on Friday (19/7). The announcement can be accessed through the admissions.ipb.ac.id page.
Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Education and Student Affairs, Prof drh Deni Noviana explained, from 4,165 total applicants, as many as 1,164 participants of SM-IPB Applied Bachelor were declared qualified as prospective new students (camaba) of IPB University. The number comes from participants who take part in the selection both through the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) score and the online SM-IPB exam.
The participants who pass are required to re-register through the page https://registrasi.admisi.ipb.ac.id/. Re-registration can be done from July 19 to July 24, 2024. The schedule for payment of institutional development fees and facilities (BPIF) and single tuition fees (UKT) opens on July 19, 2024.
Meanwhile, the International Class Pathway is a pathway offered to prospective students who want to feel the atmosphere of studying like abroad with the main language, English. According to Prof Deni, there are two types of acceptance in this pathway, namely for Indonesian citizen participants and foreign citizen participants.
“The International Class pathway announced today is for Batch 2 and SM-IPB International (Indonesian) participants. From a total of 143 applicants, as many as 81 people passed to become new students of IPB University this year which is also called the International Class pathway selection,” said Prof Deni.
Director of Education Administration, Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri added, all prospective new students from the Applied Undergraduate Self-Selection and International Class (WNA Batch 2 and SM-IPB International) were asked to register through the registration.admisi.ipb.ac.id page. “If there are difficulties, you can contact hello.admisi.ipb.ac.id,” he said.
If there are problems filling out the form, camaba can upload questions or convey the problems experienced through the https://halo.admisi.ipb.ac.id page. (IAAS/Ard)