IPB Graduate School Holds Joint Consortium Online Class, Attended by Participants from Japan and Indonesia

The Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a Joint Consortium Online Class with the theme “Tropical Agricultural Environment towards Regional Sustainability” (3-31/7). This program was conducted online, attended by 44 students from IPB University, Diponegoro University, Hasanuddin University, University of Mataram, Ibaraki University (Japan) and University of the Ryukyus (Japan).
In his speech, the Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, said that the Joint Consortium Online Class program in 2024 is a collaboration between IPB University, Ibaraki University, University of the Ryukyus and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
“The main purpose of this activity is to foster a deep understanding of regional sustainability through various research and activities in the fields of agriculture and the environment,” he said.
Prof Dodik added that by examining various approaches and insights, this activity is expected to be able to provide participants with the provisions as a generation of future scholars and leaders with the skills and knowledge needed independently to identify problems and provide sustainable solutions.
“Throughout this activity, participants can be involved through discussions and understanding of sustainable agricultural environments. We encourage participants to actively participate with various perspectives and can build networks between participants and lecturers who provide the material,” he added.
Meanwhile, according to Dr Liyantono as the committee of the event, this program is part of the International Summer Course Program which will be launched in September 2024.
“IPB University and Ibaraki University will hold The International Summer Course Program for Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience to Environmental Disaster Against Regional Sustainability,” he explained.
This Joint Consortium Online Class was filled by various instructors including Prof Hadi Susilo Arifin (IPB University), Prof Damayanti (IPB University), Dr. Liyantono (IPB University), Prof Kazuhito Sakai (University of the Ryukyus), Dr Nobuo Sakagami (Ibaraki University), and Prof Tasuku Kato (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology).
The inaugural lecture began with a topic related to Sustainable Agriculture Landscape. The Joint Consortium Online Class activity was also filled with other interesting themes such as Transdisciplinary Approach for Sustainability Development, Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emission in Agriculture Sector, Sustainability of Tropical Agriculture, and Characteristics of Agricultural Environment in Tropical Area.
The opening of this program was attended by representatives from Ibaraki University, University of the Ryukyus and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology as well as invited guests from IPB University. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/EXC)