Improving Literacy of Village Children, IPB University KKNT Innovation Students Hold ‘Gemilang’ Program

IPB University students who are members of the Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) Innovation in Pasir Eurih Village, Tamansari, Bogor Regency, West Java held a Gemilang program: Gerakan Mengajar Literasi Anak Bangsa. This activity was carried out to sensitise and improve the literacy of the nation’s children.
In the program, IPB University students taught public speaking and English to students of SD Negeri Pasir Eurih 02.
“Seeing the condition of the students’ abilities, intervention is needed to be able to improve their reading, confidence and English language skills. For that reason, we carry out this program,” said Chika Amelia Suci, the person in charge of the Gemilang program.
She explained that the student group was divided into two classes, 4A and 4B. The material provided starts from self-introduction, asking for news, to present participles.
“The competencies possessed by students of SDN Pasir Eurih 02 can still be developed in more depth. Actually, they have an interest in learning English. Their curiosity makes them quickly follow the learning we provide,” she explained.
The lesson started with singing the song ‘head shoulders knees and toes’ as an ice breaker. After that, students taught how to use verb-ing with daily activities using the pictures provided.
In addition to learning English, students at SDN 02 Pasir Eurih have also been taught public speaking materials. The public speaking materials include speeches, public speaking exercises, and summarising the material that has been taught.
“Not only learning theory and practice questions, they are also given the opportunity to make their own speeches and practice reading speeches in front of the class so as to train their public speaking skills,” said Chika.
In this activity, KKNT Innovation IPB University students also held a pre-test and post-test to measure students’ abilities before and after the learning was carried out.
Chika said, “This Gemilang program is expected to be a solution to improve the language skills and confidence of the students of SDN 02 Pasir Eurih from an early age.” (IAAS/Aly)