Help Answer the Problems of Sangup Village Chili Farmers, KKNT Innovation IPB University Students Provide Discussion Space

Sangup Village, Boyolali, Central Java, is one of the centers of agricultural commodities including chili and tobacco. However, lately, the productivity of the chili harvest has decreased due to a number of factors, which has an impact on the economy of village farmers.
Responding to this problem, students of IPB University’s Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT) carried out the ‘Healthy Chili, Abundant Harvest’ program.
One member of the Sangup Village Women Farmers Group (KWT) said, “Our harvest last year could reach 100 kg, while this year it is only about 80 kg. Many chili plants are affected by wilt, yellow, and rotten diseases. We still haven’t found the cause and solution found.”
Partnering with the Tamansari Subdistrict Agricultural Extension Office, the event provided a space for farmers to discuss and convey the obstacles they have been experiencing. The material presented included pests and diseases of chili and tobacco plants.
“Hopefully, through this activity, farmers are able to find solutions so that the harvest produced can be abundant,” said Kevin Pratam Nafis as the Chairman of the KKNT Inovasi IPB University team.
Janto, the supervisor of the Budi Makmur Farmer Group, said that so far chili plants in Sangup Village have become a local commodity that helps the economy and fulfill the food needs of the community.
“God willing, this activity can increase the knowledge and insight of farmers about pests and plant diseases that have been a problem for us. I hope that the harvest we produce in the future will be more optimal,” he said.
Kevin said, the Healthy Chili, Abundant Harvest program succeeded in fostering the enthusiasm of farmers to continue developing the potential of chili commodities in improving the local economy. It is hoped that this activity can be a small contribution of IPB University students in answering agricultural problems in Sangup Village. (*/Rz) (IAAS/NYS).