Famlink Application Surgery, IPB University Expert Innovation for Family Resilience Diagnostics

Famlink Application Surgery, IPB University Expert Innovation for Family Resilience Diagnostics

Bedah Aplikasi Famlink, Inovasi Pakar IPB University Untuk Diagnostik Ketahanan Keluarga

IPB University Professor from the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), Prof Euis Sunarti has developed an interactive family resilience diagnostic application called Famlink.

The application, which has been initiated since 2020, provides various holistic and comprehensive family resilience assessment features. Since its launch in 2023, a total of 12 diagnostic instruments have been provided in the application and can be easily downloaded for free on Playstore.

“Famlink is an Android application and provides family resilience self-assessment features, family education, consulting services, and networking spaces for community institutions engaged in family improvement,” she explained.

“This application is supported by a network of services and support from experts and related institutions in Indonesia so that users can carry out early detection of family vulnerability,” she continued.

Users can explore 12 diagnostic instruments provided by Famlink. These include SIREN-GA for Family Vulnerability Detection, AKSI-GA for Family Interaction, READY-GA for Family Readiness, TAHAN-GA for Family Resilience, FUNCTION-GA for Family Functioning, RESILIENSI-GA for Family Resilience, LING-GA for Family Friendly Environment, TERA-GA for Family Welfare, TEKEN-GA for Family Economic Pressure, Subjective Family Economic Pressure, Interfaith Life, and Family Food Security Coping Behavior features.

“In the future, Famlink will be equipped with several additional instruments, namely LIENSI-GA for Family Resilience, STRUCTURE-GA for the robustness and stability of the family structure, MANKEU-GA for family financial management, STRESS-GA for Family Stress Management, Fostering-GA for Childcare in the Family,” said Prof Euis.

Each use of the diagnostic feature, users can look back at the assessment history and review it. Consultation services can be used by asking private or public questions, which will then be answered by experts from Famlink partner institutions.

There are seven institutions that partner with Famlink, namely Penggiat Keluarga (GiGa) Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, Gerakan Indonesia Beradabab (GIB), Komunitas Cerita Cinta Bayi dan Bunda (Cacabun), Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) Harapan Dhuafa, Pusat Advokasi dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia (PAHAM), and Salimah.

In addition, various educational features can also be freely accessed by users. For example, articles, events, and materials about family resilience and development.

“FamLink’s social innovation is one of the efforts to accelerate family education and services in the digital era and Indonesia 4.0 is an asset to prepare the community towards ‘Society 5.0’,” said Prof Euis. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/Ard)